Gravestone Photographs Resource: add a comment

Add a comment

Your coments will be stored with the Gravestone Photographic Resource system so that other people can view them.

If you give a surname below, your comments / feedback / help request will be displayed whenever someone looks either at the surname, maiden or family name page for that particular name or at a grave details page where the first surname on the monument is for that surname. If you put multiple name they will not be linked to the appropriate surname pages.

If you give an email address it will NOT be displayed on the website but just used by a website form if someone wishes to contact you. It will NOT be used for any other purpose.

Any comments containing inappropriate language will not be saved.

Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Your details and comments / feedback / help request

Your name or initials:
If you do not enter a name or initial your comments will NOT be saved

Your email address:

This email address will NOT be displayed on the website but just used if someone wishes to contact you

The surname you are researching:

If you give a surname then this comment / feedback will be displayed on that surname, maiden or family name page and all grave pages where that is the first persons name. If you give more than one name then you will not be contacted for any of them.

The GPR grave id:

This is the GPR grave id number that will be displayed on the website as a link

The title or subject of your comments / feedback:

Any comments containing inappropriate language or links will not be saved.

Your comments / feedback / help request:

If you give the full name of the person you are researching then you are more likely to get feedback from others also research this person.

Type of comment:

commentfeedbackhelp request

User Validation

Please validate your input by answering the question below this image.

(this is to make sure you are a human and to stop automatic spammers!)

image of gravestone used for validation

When did William Lee die?
