Types of volunteer

There are four main ways you can help Gravestone Photographic Resource:

Register as a GPR volunteer

If you would like to become a volunteer then please fill in the form below.

Once registered you will sent a GPR volunteer id card and details of how to access to the volunteer private part of the website.

User Validation

Your forename:
Your surname:
Your email address:
Your postal address:
(so that we can send you a volunteer pack)
Your postcode:
Your country:

please enter below if not listed:
What type of volunteer would you like to be?
Volunteer pack media type:
download from GPR website
USB memory stick (can be used to send images to GPR)
SD memory card (can be used to send images to GPR)
not required
The main area you hope to photograph:

Please validate your input by answering the question below this image.

(this is to make sure you are a human and to stop automatic spammers!)

image of gravestone used for validation

When did Charles Farwell die?

If you cannot be a volunteer then please help the project by persuading someone else to become a volunteer!

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Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

An international directory of grave, tomb, war and other death memorials.

© copyright Gravestone Photographic Resource 1998 - 2024

Running free of charge for 26 years!