All entries for the surname PEARSON held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource

All GPR entries for the surname PEARSON

num .. full name ... birth year ... burial year ... age ... cemetery ... location ... grave id ... load date
1 Pearson St MaryWistaston
2 Pearson 1964 MunicipalArnside
3 Pearson (Major) Harlow Hill (Section E)Harrogate
4 Pearson (Rev) St Mary and All SaintsFotheringhay
5A Pearson (Pvte )1883191633Holy TrinityLow Moor
6A Pearson War MemorialRotherham
7A Pearson War MemorialRotherham
8A Pearson War MemorialHaverton Hill and Port Clarence
9A Pearson St PeterRevelstoke
10A Pearson St Peter (roll of honour)Wolviston
11A C Pearson Liverpool Street Station (roll of honour 1914-1919)Bishopsgate
12A F D Pearson War MemorialRotherham
13A F D Pearson War MemorialRotherham
14A G Pearson War MemorialExhall (near Coventry)
15A L Pearson Dean 1cEdinburgh
70659not known
16Abraham Pearson1903192825St MatthewSutton Bridge
17Abraham Arthur Pearson Areas Q U R S AThornaby-on-Tees
18Abram Pearson1756182165Holy TrinityLow Moor
19Abram Pearson1830188050Holy TrinityLow Moor
20Ada Pearson1879194869MunicipalKirkley
8394not known
21Ada Pearson1872195482St James on the CornerWetherby
53774not known
22Ada Pearson1869193263C6 MunicipalLinthorpe
58486not known
23Ada Pearson1869193263C6 MunicipalLinthorpe
58773not known
24Ada Pearson 1965 Currie KirkCurrie
25Ada Pearson Municipal (Anglican section)East Maitland
New South Wales


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Search results for the surname PEARSON (total = 2115)

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | 501-525 | 526-550 | 551-575 | 576-600 | 601-625 | 626-650 | 651-675 | 676-700 | 701-725 | 726-750 | 751-775 | 776-800 | 801-825 | 826-850 | 851-875 | 876-900 | 901-925 | 926-950 | 951-975 | 976-1000 | 1001-1025 | 1026-1050 | 1051-1075 | 1076-1100 | 1101-1125 | 1126-1150 | 1151-1175 | 1176-1200 | 1201-1225 | 1226-1250 | 1251-1275 | 1276-1300 | 1301-1325 | 1326-1350 | 1351-1375 | 1376-1400 | 1401-1425 | 1426-1450 | 1451-1475 | 1476-1500 | 1501-1525 | 1526-1550 | 1551-1575 | 1576-1600 | 1601-1625 | 1626-1650 | 1651-1675 | 1676-1700 | 1701-1725 | 1726-1750 | 1751-1775 | 1776-1800 | 1801-1825 | 1826-1850 | 1851-1875 | 1876-1900 | 1901-1925 | 1926-1950 | 1951-1975 | 1976-2000 | 2001-2025 | 2026-2050 | 2051-2075 | 2076-2100 | 2101-2115 |

There are 2115 surnames for the name PEARSON held within the GPR database.

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A name listed within double quotes is either a nickname or pet name.

If a person you searching for is not listed then have a look at the alternative spellings of the surname PEARSON by looking at all the surnames starting with the letters P.

If that fails then use the Full Name Search with just the surname PEARSON.This will give you similar names as well as entries for maiden and family names.

About the PEARSON names held within the GPR

This page contains a list of all the entries for the surname, maiden and family name PEARSON that are held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource online database. It is quite likely that there are also entries available for alternative spellings of this name. It is very easy for you to check to see if there are any alternative spellings: you just need to look at the page that shows all the names listed under the starting letter (P in this case) of the surname you are interested in.

The PEARSON name may also be found within either maiden or family names stored within the GPR.

If you click on a particular name or GPR reference number above you will see details of what information is held for that particular grave monument. If there is a high quality image available then you will be able to order a free copy of it.

If you click on a particular church, parish or town name above then you will see details of all the grave monument images that are available for that particular location.

If there is a blank in the relationship column above then it means that this person is the first named individual on the grave monument.

If you are interested in ordering a number of different images from different graves monuments, it may help if you list in grave order so that everyone mentioned on the same monument are listed together.

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Please note that all ages and dates of birth listed in the above list that are shown in red have been calculated and are probably not on the monument.

You should treat the calculated dates of birth with caution as the ages given on monuments are often inaccurate. The dates and ages on many monuments are also often hard to read. It is therefore important to use the dates as guides as they may be incorrect.

The same person may appear many times in the above list. This is because a person can easily be listed on many different monuments. For instance, a person could be listed on their own grave as well as on the gravestone monuments of their children and their spouse. Occasionally names will be duplicated because the monument has in error been photographed and indexed twice.

Where a relationship is shown as unknown, this usually means that parts of the monument are illegible and relationship cannot be read.

Where no relationship is given this means that this is normally the first name on the monument. All the relationships on any particular monument relate to this first named individual.

If there is no burial date then it is likely that they are not buried at this location. Please note that the GPR records ALL names on monuments.

All comment /feedback /help requests within the Gravestone Photographic Resource for the name PEARSON

trying to find my grandmothers grave

if anyone knows of a June Pearson born 1942 died 1974 i would like to know if there is other family members about , she had a spouse called george lockett my grandfather but don't know if they were married or not, fulfilling my ancestry research . thanks
entry submitted by robert lockett on: 28/02/2020 10:30 GMT ........ contact this person

Gravestone picture

My request for this photograph was fulfilled immediately. It help enormously with my family research as I thought my ancestor was George Henry Pearson. From this picture I realised my error, as his middle name appears to be Hunter.
entry submitted by M Pearson on: 25/08/2017 05:18 GMT ........ contact this person


This is a wonderful addition to any research. Unable to visit all the cemeteries myself.
entry submitted by J R on: 07/01/2017 08:42 GMT ........ contact this person


Many thanks Charles for running such a great website
entry submitted by James Pearson on: 13/09/2016 08:19 GMT ........ contact this person

Age of Deceased on Memorial in Lund, Yorkshire

The age of Jane Martin should read 36 she was born in 1833. I am sure it is just difficuty in reading the stone: Details of indexing below: 43 Pearson William Pearson first name on this monument 1801 1878 77 131 265375 286 Jane Martin daughter of William Pearson 1843 1869 26 David Martin son-in-law of William Pearson Ann Pearson wife of William Pearson 1803 1877 74
entry submitted by Carol Gray on: 03/06/2016 01:14 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you!

Thank you for sending the photos of grave markers for my husband's extended family. Your time and care in making your site free to use is much appreciated.
entry submitted by Karyn on: 12/05/2016 04:02 GMT ........ contact this person


Henry Pearson no. 503 is son of Henry Pearson no.500
entry submitted by Janet Johnson on: 18/01/2016 09:37 GMT ........ contact this person

Henry Pearson m Mary Burn Alnwick

Known children of this couple are Thomas (Rev T Pearson of Eyemouth, Henry (migrated 1852 AUS) William (from headstone) Elizabeth (1851 census). I descend from Henry. Unable to locate christening records for any of the above. Would like to make contact with relatives.
entry submitted by Janet Johnson on: 18/01/2016 01:31 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you for a speedy reply, very clear photo keep up the g

Thank you for a speedy reply, very clear photo keep up the good work
entry submitted by Colin Pearson on: 28/03/2014 09:34 GMT ........ contact this person

Martha Pearson and family

Thank you so much for supplying the photo and information! I had not come across this part of the Pearson family before so will enjoy fitting together all the jigsaw pieces ..
entry submitted by Janis King on: 20/03/2012 06:53 GMT ........ contact this person

Joseph Pearson and family

Thank you so much for the photo and information! Joseph Pearson was my great great grandfather and it is so lovely to have "found" him! What a great website!
entry submitted by Janis King on: 20/03/2012 06:44 GMT ........ contact this person

Pearson Gravestones Aberford Yorks

Hi I wondered if anyone in the Aberford area of W Yorks new of any Pearson graves at the parish churchyard there?
entry submitted by Shaun Pearson on: 03/03/2012 03:52 GMT ........ contact this person

Thankyou.just discovered this web site , Brilliant. will se

Thankyou.just discovered this web site , Brilliant. will send you some photos I have.
entry submitted by O Messina on: 29/03/2010 12:46 GMT ........ contact this person
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