Surname list for Municipal, Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England grave monument photos held within Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

Municipal Cemetery, Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England

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List of names found on Municipal Cemetery tomb monuments
full namebirth
GPR ref.number
of views

251LaneAmy Elizabeth Lane nee Osborn1878194163id: 2267
(2 images)
252Elizabeth Laneid: 2326317848261
253Elizabeth Lane1834190773id: 2327317850151
254Frederick Charles Lane1873189825id: 2326317846261
255William Laneid: 2326317847261
256William Lane1833189663id: 2327317849151

257LawrenceEuler Lawrence1964id: 2403317962311
258Sarah Jane Lawrence1878195375id: 2403317961311

259LempfriedAugustus Lempfried1810188979id: 2151
(2 images)

260LevellAudrey Margaret Levell1915196146id: 2417317988371

261LiddiardHarriet Liddiard1834189763id: 2308317811191
262John Liddiard1824189874id: 2308317812191

263LilleyAnn Lilley1832186634id: 2238317705151
264Hannah Annie Lilley1827189770id: 2134317547221
265Jane Lilley1800187777id: 2137317553261
266John Lilley1881191534id: 2320317838161
267Thomas Lilley1789185869id: 2137317552261

268MandervilleG W Manderville nee Roxburgh1940id: 2433318009201

269MansellAlice Mansell1917200285id: 26582208271

270MarshEmily Marsh1873195885id: 2396317952281

271MaslinGerty Maslin nee Pumfrey1885192237id: 2319317837381

272MatherElizabeth Mather1813188673id: 2150317578261
273Henry Penkett Mather1806188680id: 2150317579191

274MontfordAdeline Marion Montford1867194881id: 2349
(2 images)
275James Montford1856193882id: 2349
(2 images)

Grave Monument Photographs

Names on Grave Monument photographs

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Municipal Cemetery, Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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