Monument list for Municipal Cemetery

Municipal Cemetery, Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1ArnoldArthur Arnold1890761966id: 2413149479391
Margaret Phyllis Arnold1913731986

2BagnallE E Bagnall1933id: 2352149431611
R S Bagnall

3BagnallRichard Samuel Bagnall1926id: 2354149432331

4BakerHarry Baker1855231878id: 2186149314231
George Baker1804781882
Hannah Baker
Walter Baker1852331885

5BatesJohn Bates1843421885id: 2252149356191Father: Thomas Bates of Pershore, Worcestershire, England born about 1799 died 11 Nov 1864 in Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England Mother: Elizabeth New of Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England born 23 Feb 1814 died 10 Mar 1847 in Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England

6BeachJohn Alfred Beach1906861992id: 2404149470351

7BealArthur Beal1853581911id: 2203
(2 images)
Maude Beal1850831933

8BellRichard Bell1808841892id: 2304
(3 images)
Clara Bell1848691917
Mary Bell

9BennetGeorge Bennet1792841876id: 2158149297331
Mary Pear1834371871

10BennettDaniel Bennett1787791866id: 2159149298261

11BennettRichard Leslie Bennett192461930id: 2339149422301

12BickleyEmily Hannah Bickley1852621914id: 2132149274341
W Bickley

13BiddleEdith Biddle1879371916id: 2245149352231
John Biddle
S J Biddle

14BiddleJohn Biddle1834851919id: 2248
(2 images)
149353411John Biddle 1834-1919 was born to William 1791?-1846 & Elizabeth Biddle 1801?-1864 in Upton.1841 Census - 7yrs.old living at Dunns Lane.1859 31st May- married Sarah Jane Sandilands1861 Census - 26yrs.old master of his canal boat called Sarah Jane delivering coal to Worcester, tied up in Tewksbury1871 Census - 37yrs.old Coal dealer living at Waterside & Brickkilne1881 Census - 47yrs.old Boat owner living at High Street.1888 - Coal & Hay Dealer in Waterside appeared in Kelly's Directory1891 Census - 57yrs.old living at High Street Hay & Coal Merchant.1901 Census - 67yrs.old living at Bridge House, Hay & Coal Merchant - Employer1919 23rd April- died 85yrs old1919 6th August Probate to Maria Somer (daughter, wife of James Henry Somer) William Biddle hay & coal merchant & John Williams Iron Works manager. Effects £9,067.2.11d
Sarah Jane Biddle1842681910 Sarah Jane Sandilands 1841-1910 1851 Census - 10yrs.old living at Burryfield, Upton 1859 31st May married John Biddle 1910 died 68yrs.old buried in Upton

15BiddleSarah Ann Biddle1872821954id: 2405149471361
William Biddle1872931965

16BishopHannah Maud Bishop1968id: 2419149485311

17BraddonCharles Braddon1815721887id: 2436149499251
Isabella Braddon1882

18BramfordMabel Eva Bramford1894271921id: 2316
(2 images)
George Bramford1862721934
Eva Alice Bramford1863791942

19BrickAlice Mary Brick1909id: 2166149304251

20BrickBenjamin Brick1809871896id: 2165149303221
Mary Brick1814741888 Mary is the wife of Benjamin Brick her maiden name is Mary Morris Born Oct 1815 at Dilwyn, Herefordshire died 23 Dec 1888

21BrickWilliam Brick1856771933id: 2343149423291
Fanny Brick1867641931 Interred at Boulton Derby

22BriggsHarry Briggs1916872003id: 18271813231

23BryantJames Herbert Bryant1940id: 2416149482381
Susanna Bryant1944

24BundyWilliam Henry Bundy1838401878id: 2215149330251

25BurdCyril Richard Burd1876511927id: 2351149430351

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Municipal Cemetery, Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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