Monument list for St Saviour Church burial ground

St Saviour's Church burial ground, Ringley, Lancashire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AldersonRichard Alderson1825641889id: rss158828278171
Martha Alderson187391882
Mary Alderson1854261880
Christopher Alderson1861 aged 9 months.
Mary Ann Alderson1824631887

2AllenArthur Allen1888451933id: rss20828140191
Sarah Ellen Allen1887651952

3AndrewsJoseph Andrews1827711898id: rss30828150481
Alice Andrews Died in infancy.
Martha Andrews Died in infancy.
Mary Alice Greenhalgh1865601925 Wife of Thomas Greenhalgh.
John Andrews Died in infancy.
John Andrews Died in infancy.
Thomas Greenhalgh
Alice Andrews1839681907

4AthertonJohn Atherton1870161886id: rss37828157181Son of Peter Edward and Jane Atherton.
Peter Edward Atherton1887
Jane Atherton

5BakerJames Wych Baker1871111882id: rss163828283261
Christopher Baker187911880
Emmanuel Baker1847841931
Fanny Baker1840821922
Ann Baker186551870
Martha Jane Baker1885681953

6BarlowAnnie Barlow1911351946id: rss140828260251
Henry James Barlow1903781981
Clara Barlow1881771958

7BarlowEdward Barlow1864id: rss15828135161aged 25 days.
Jacob Barlow1840601900
Ann Barlow1843631906

8BarlowJohn Barlow1841681909id: rss21828141141
Mary Elizabeth Barlow1836761912
Richard Barlow
Ruth Barlow1872841956 Wife of Richard Barlow.

9BarlowRichard Barlow1816491865id: rss22828142151
Ann Barlow1846211867
Margaret Barlow1848191867
Richard Barlow1842301872
Thomas Barlow1842281870
Ann Barlow1886
Elizabeth Barlow
John Barlow
Lily Barlow1872121884 Daughter of John and Elizabeth Barlow.
Richard Barlow1873291902 Husband of Ruth Barlow.
Ruth Barlow
Annie Lansdale188111882 Daughter of William and Mary Lansdale.
Mary Lansdale
William Lansdale

10BarrattJacob Barrattid: rss69828189121

11BarrattJohn Barratt1856711927id: rss170828290141
Jemima Barratt1863321895
Elizabeth Barratt1855611916
Jemima Barratt1895911986 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

12BarrattThomas Barratt1833681901id: rss60828180221
Hannah Maria Barratt185841862
Isaac Barratt1871181889
Mary Barratt1826611887

13BarrettAmy Barrett1926752001id: rss190828310201
James Barrett1918671985
Philip Jenkinsoin
Elizabeth Jenkinson

14BeardmoreWilliam Beardmore1859601919id: rss81828201161
Florence Beardmore1880571937
Arthur Beardmore Died in infancy.
George Beardmore Died in infancy.
George Beardmore Died in infancy.
Fanny Beardmore1859441903

15BeckettCharles Beckett1880641944id: rss133828253171Husband of Sarah Morris Beckett.
Sarah Morris Beckett

16BentleyThomas Bentley1848601908id: rss103828223211
Ann Bentley1852761928

17BerryEsther Berry1841311872id: rss101828221131
James Berry1841581899
Jane Berry1856391895 2nd wife of James Berry.
Josiah Wareing1866781944
Sarah Ellen Wareing1871681939 Wife of Josiah Wareing.

18BerryThomas Berry1873641937id: rss143828263191
Margaret Berry Died in infancy.
Harry Berry189751902
Elizabeth Berry1873571930

19BommerHenry Bommer1887551942id: rss119828239201
Alice Bommer

20BoothJohn Thomas Booth1865321897id: rss78828198191Husband of Agnes Booth.
Tom Booth1897 aged 6 months.
Agnes Booth

21BrunsdenJesse Brunsden1899341933id: rss59828179191
Florence Ethel Brunsden1898871985

22BryanWilliam Bryan1828391867id: rss107828227151Son of William Bryan.
William Arthur Ernest Bryan1867 aged 6 months.
Lucy Ann Bryan1838331871

23BulsonHenry Bulson1851241875id: rss180828300181
Alice Loveless1852761928 Wife of Thomas Loveless.
Edna Loveless1909191928 Granddaughter of Thomas and Alice Loveless
Thomas Loveless1855761931

24ButterworthSarah Butterworth1851211872id: rss106828226161Wife of William Butterworth.
Mary Butterworth187811879
William Butterworth
Margaret Butterworth1853281881 2nd wife of William Butterworth.

25CarterLevi Carter1878681946id: rss176828296151
Eleanor Carter1886711957

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Saviour's Church burial ground, Ringley, Lancashire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 10 May 2020.

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