Monument list for St Mary the Virgin Church burial ground

St Mary the Virgin's Church burial ground, Eling, Hampshire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

51LaidlawEllen Laidlaw1805551860id: 108487707201
William Laidlaw1819601879
John Laidlaw1854161870

52LainsonEdith Mary Lainson1883731956id: 97487696171

53LainsonElizabeth Lainson1844311875id: 91487690181
Samuel Lainson1839751914

54LainsonHubert Lainson1905791984id: 94487693181
Albert D Howe1905992004
Kathleen Anne Howe1907721979
Norah Eileen Lainson1905972002 Wife of Hubert Lainson

55LainsonTom Lainson1881731954id: 96487695211

56LeeJohn Lee1789431832id: 18487625201
Mary Lee1819281847
Marrall Lee1789821871

57LewisEmma Eliza Lewis1854241878id: 42487645291
Frank Lewis

58LightMary Light1828291857id: 11487619151unclear
Richard Light
Elizabeth Light

59LonnonJames Lonnon70id: 2487611151d 1800? - Year unclear

60LovellFelix Lovell1841id: 8487616231
Mary Lovell1850 numerals unclear

61LovellMary Lovell1793821875id: 7487615191
Elizabeth Lovell1809901899

62LowmanJohn Lowman1742781820id: 16487623181unclear
Elizabeth Lowman1789721861
Jane Lowman85 d 18??

63LowmanMichael Lowman1755661821id: 34487639141d 1821? - Year unclear
Elizabeth Lowman d 18?? - numerals unclear

64MansbridgeHenry Mansbridge1627701697id: 92487691161age 70?
Richard Mansbridge inscription partly buried

65MathewsCharles Mathews1816id: 55487657161d 1816?

66MooreRichard Moore1831251856id: 36
(2 images)
487641161numerals unclear
Richard Moore1798611859 Senior

67MorriceWalter Morrice1843id: 54487656611

68NewmanAnn Newmanid: 93487692171d 18??
James Newman
John Newman d 18??

69NewmanMary Ann Newmanid: 58487660241

70OldingJohn Olding1763701833id: 61487663271
Amelia Olding1775921867
Ann Olding1802711873
Charles Olding1817601877
Eliza Olding1802621864
Elizabeth Olding180781815
John Olding1805671872

71OliverThomas Oliver1853id: 69487668171
Elizabeth Oliver38 d 18?? - numerals unclear

72PaiceRobert Paice1779771856id: 38487642211
Mary Paice1775841859 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

73PayneAnn Payne1813571870id: 20487627211
Mark Payne

74PenfordGeorge Penford1796751871id: 4487613271

75PennyMary Penny1837id: 52
(2 images)
C Penny1836
John Penny1851

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Mary the Virgin's Church burial ground, Eling, Hampshire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this burial ground is SO40 9HF - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this burial ground!

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 30 May 2015.

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