Monument list for Scartho Road (113-115 120-123) Cemetery

Scartho Road (113-115 120-123) Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

476WhitworthEric Whitworth1940401980id: 5094351784281
David Whitworth1930531983

477WilkinsonCharles Wilkinson1913701983id: 5328351976231

478WilkinsonHarry Wilkinson1893531946id: 5610352201251

479WillettLily Willett1895441939id: 5540352145381

480WilliamsonCharlotte Ann Williamson1872941966id: 5079351770191
Marjorie Olga Williamson1911942005

481WillsWilliam Henry Wills1880631943id: 5406352039191Killed by enemy action

482WilmotAgnes May Wilmot1884721956id: 5056
(2 images)

483WilsonDoris Blanche Wilson1923711994id: 5106351794211
Eric Jackson Wilson1924751999

484WilsonGeorge Edward Wilson193271939id: 5461352085171

485WilsonPercy Wilson1893481941id: 5235351906131
Ellen Wilson1895771972

486WinslowMary Winslow1913261939id: 5503352117241

487WintersCharles William Winters1943id: 5266351930201
Annie Winters1944

488WisemanPercy Wisemanid: 5208351884141
Rose Wiseman

489WoodDavid Anthony Wood1935541989id: 5587352182271

490WoodHenry John Wood1898661964id: 5268351931201
Harry W G Wood1926161942

491WoodcraftJames Anthony Buck Woodcraft1891491940id: 5443352068141
Eliza Woodcraft1895451940

492WoodsWilliam Woods1912171929id: 5129351813181lost off S.D. Shimer - only part of stone remaining.
Eliza Darnell1881761957 Not shown on image
George Woods1879351914 Not shown on image
Lottie Woods1904371941 Not shown on image

493WouldFrank Would1915942009id: 5511
(2 images)
Vivienne Would194521947
Beatrice Would1918852003

494WrightCharles Henry Wright1889501939id: 5362352001221
Ethel Wright1894841978

495WrightDoris Emily Wright1922191941id: 5249351917151

496WrightMaryjory Mary Wright1903431946id: 5370352009251

497WrightThomas Wrightid: 5332351980221
Annie Elizabeth Wright

498WrightWilliam Herbert Wright1882611943id: 5468352091121Killed by enemy action
Minnie Wright1885711956

499YarboroughHarold Yarborough1886601946id: 5549352154381
Sarah Ann Yarborough1896771973

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Scartho Road (113-115 120-123) Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is DN32 0BA - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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