Grave monuments within Grimsby cemeteries (Lincolnshire, England) indexed by Gravestone Photographic Resource Project

Cemeteries within Grimsby

Grimsby grave monument sites that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR

Below are the churchyard or other cemetery and monument sites that have been indexed within Grimsby, Lincolnshire.

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Grimsby cemetery details

city/town/villagecemetery namegravesnamesrequestsstatusaddedtype
GrimsbyFreeman Street Market Roll of Honour229229279730 April 2015war memorial
GrimsbyPost Office Roll of Honour1818279621 June 2015war memorial
GrimsbyScartho Road (1-3)5921497280127 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (103-112)6111152280629 December 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (113-115 120-123)499969280128 November 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (117-119 124-126)660118828043 March 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (127-130 134-137)8321601280523 November 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (131-133 138-140)767145428033 March 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (141-144 146-151)12892372281216 November 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (145-147 152-154)11572097280016 March 2014burial ground
GrimsbyScartho Road (155-158)19373088280930 December 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (160-161)40865127961 May 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (17-18 25-26 33-34 41-42)27664828023 March 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (19-20 27-28 35-36 43-44)430943279922 February 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (21-24 29-32 37-40 45-48 53-56 61-64 69-72)642148727973 December 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (2nd reserved borders)351743279930 December 2013cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (3rd north reserved border)181400279623 March 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (49-52 57-60)5091152279712 February 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (5-8 13-16)325800279822 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (65-68 73-74 84-89)4981029280312 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (75-82 and borders)308664279611 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (9-12)327811279912 February 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (93-96)23248427972 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (97-102)37375427986 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (new section)187277280029 September 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (north central reserved borders pt2)12027827967 April 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (north reserved borders)247685279818 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (south reserved borders 504-505)184318279622 February 2014cemetery
GrimsbyScartho Road (south reserved borders)271710279727 January 2014cemetery
GrimsbySt James (interior)3976279623 January 2017interior monuments
GrimsbyWintringham School Roll of Honour163163279730 April 2015war memorial

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area = Lincolnshire

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