Monument list for Balmoral (section 11) Cemetery

Balmoral (section 11) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

51FordAnnie May Ford1884601944id: 8547
(2 images)
32643991Died 17th Mar 1944
Henry Ford1874761950 Died 10th Sep 1950

52FreyFrederick John Frey1871791950id: 8532
(2 images)
326432111Died 18th Oct 1950
Christina Frey1875811956 Died 16th Nov 1956

53GearyThomas J Geary1856881944id: 8400
(4 images)
32638514127th June; 1944
Faith Geary1868881956 Died 12th Oct 1956

54GennGertrude Genn1929id: 8178
(2 images)
326353141Died 26th Sept 1929
Herbert Genn1963 Died 15th Dec 1963

55GravesonErnest Graveson1917902007id: 8692
(2 images)

56GrayAlexander William Gray1894171911id: 8192
(2 images)
326359171Beloved son of Alexander and Sophia Gray. Died 14th July 1911
Alexander Gray
Sophia Gray

57GreenAlfred Henry Green1914601974id: 8640
(4 images)
326472412nd 15st Batt. Died 9th Sept 1974

58GreenJames John Green1913591972id: 8644
(2 images)
326473512nd 15th Batt. Died 5th Aug 1972

59GreenWilliam James Green1909781987id: 8647
(2 images)
3264745112.10.1909 - 24.8.1987

60HalesAda Elizabeth Hales1882861968id: 8388
(2 images)
Valerie Alice Lynch1910 Died 15.2.1910; aged 16 mths

61HamletMay Hamlet1888631951id: 8459
(2 images)
32640961Born 27.12.1888. Died 01.05.1951
Seaward Joseph Hamlet1890821972 Born 23.04.1890. Died 25.05.1972

62HeddlesJames Frank Heddles1785671852id: 8084
(2 images)
Rita Heddles1915261941
Margaret Heddles1888541942

63HenslerPatricia Hensler1943id: 8582
(4 images)
32645571Died 17.11.1943. Aged 17 Hrs
Alice Jane Hensler1897701967 Died 23.12.1967
Norman Frederick Hensler1898701968 Died 1.2.1968
David Ross Schmidt1953 Died 18-1-1953. Aged 10 Mths

64HigginsJohn Higgins1856891945id: 8534
(2 images)
326433101Died 8th Oct 1945. Our dear father and grandfather
Isabella Higgins1865821947 Died 30th July 1947. Our dear mother and grandmother

65HislopDavid Hislop1859541913id: 8412
(2 images)
326390171Died 20th June 1913
Mary Hislop1880381918 Died11th May 1918

66HitchcockAmy J Hitchcock1862811943id: 8237
(2 images)
326372191My dear mother. Died 5th Dec. 1943

67HoareC F Hoare1884601944id: 8573
(2 images)
32645191Service No. 376. 41 Battalion. 13th April 1944

68HobbsWalter Hobbs1860481908id: 8485
(2 images)
326417612nd July 1908
Frank Scorra Hobbs1908471955 Cremated 14th April 1955
Kate Hilda Hobbs1873811954 81yrs and 11mths. 4th Feb 1954

69HoggRobert Hogg1844681912id: 8115
(4 images)
Jane Ann Hogg 1935. Aged 69 (Council records)

70HornNoel Phillip Horn1923812004id: 8686
(2 images)
32648616125 March 1923 - 25 April 2004
Marie Agnes Horn1921902011 22 April 1921 - 13 January 2011

71HughesMarion Hughes1879651944id: 8492
(2 images)
32642081Our dear mother. Died 7th May 1944

72HuntLee Marion Hunt1927711998id: 8621
(2 images)
326468131Born 25.3.1927. Died 26.8.1998

73HurleyFlorence Teresa Hurley1881631944id: 8609
(2 images)
326463121My dear wife and our mother. Died 8th Mar. 1944

74HuthwaiteAnnie Huthwaite1885241909id: 8415
(2 images)
326391121Youngest daughter of J and H Huthwaite. Died 1st October 1909
Harry Huthwaite1886261912 Their only son. Died 11th August 1912
Joseph H Huthwaite1843701913 Father of the above. Died 8th August 1913
H Huthwaite
Eva Rachel Huthwaite1882351917 2nd daughter of the above. Died 17th May 1917

75HuyserYac N Huyser1884291913id: 8152
(2 images)
326341141M?n Geliefde Echtgenoot En Vader

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Balmoral (section 11) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 4171 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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