Monument list for Canongate Kirk Church burial ground

Canongate Kirk's Church burial ground, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

176NicolGeorge Nicol1847331880id: 109078116286115118th March 1880
George Frederick Nicol1878 died 14th July 1878 aged 9mth

177O'NeilLuke James O'Neil1736881824id: 10686162924171
Arthur James O'Neil

178OrmeElizabeth Orme1797id: 109811630432117th March 1797
David Orme
Thomas Young
David Lindsay1809 5th May 1809
John Young1828 12th July 1828

179PearsonAdam Pearson1746701816id: 109089416291619113th November 1816
Charlotte Cowan1773811854 19th March 1854
Marjory Pearson1800221822 11th January 1822
Andrew Pearson1773501823 2nd August 1823
David Pearson1772581830 11th March 1830
Barbara Balmain1796 16th October 1796

180PeddieJames Peddie80id: 1072516294051117th November 1818
Elisabeth Young1748721820 27th November 1820

181PhilipElisa Philipid: 1089316300717113th March
E Bain1796191815 31st March 1815
Patrick Philip1771511822 15th August 1822

182PhinBeatrice Pentland Phin1819591878id: 107571629509115th November 1878
Bridget Slater aged 7mth
Andrew Slater1824671891 10th July 1891
Janet Christie1911 4th February 1911
John Slater aged 7mth

183PlenderleithElizabeth Plenderleith1929651994id: 1087416300223112th March 1994
John Garrow Elder1915841999 11th April 1999

184RaeGeorge Raeid: 1090718162825111
Grizel Rae1746511797 29th June 1797 Grizel GILBERT was the daughter of James GILBERT and spouse of George RAE
James Gilbert1729481777 22nd June 1777 James GILBERT was the father in law of George RAE

185RaeGeorge Rae1811731884id: 109071616282317125th April 1884
Laura Anne Pennefather1826651891

186RamsayAlexander Ramsay1704601764id: 1069316292820123rd March 1764
Jane Walker1790 30th November 1790

187RattrayRobert Rattray1814id: 10912163017121died January 1814 aged 4mth
James Rattray1808231831 31st July 1831
Robert Rattray1824 died 2nd January 1824 aged 4mth
William Rattray1817111828 4th January 1828
Robert Rattray
Dorothy Rattray
Rachel Rattray1789281817 3rd September 1817
Elizabeth Rattray1822111833 14th June 1833
Helen Rattray1815181833 11th July 1833
Mary Ann Rattray1810141824 20th February 1824

188RichardsonRobert Richardson1799id: 1084616298713113th May 1799
Isabella Richardson1800151815 31st August 1815
Janet Richardson1826621888 May 1888
Isabella Law1796701866 22nd February 1866
Arthur Andrew Richardson183811839 died 4th April 1839 aged 17mth
Robert Richardson1820671887 3rd June 1887
Thomas Richardson1795631858 18th June 1858
William Wright
Sarah Richardson1753751828 18th August 1828 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

189RiddellJames Riddell1731581789id: 107611629534119th August 1789

190RitchieGeorge Ritchieid: 1090832162886121
George Ritchie1825 November 1825

191RizzioDavid Rizzio1533331566id: 10692162926181It is said that during the Rebellion Rizzios body was removed from Holyrood and placed in a churchyard close by and this is supposed to be his last resting place Though there is no evidence to justify this supposition there is a very strong tradition that it is so

192RobertsJohn Roberts73id: 10955163033241
Christian Roberts1786251811 12th July 1811
Alexander Dyer1850241874 27th August 1874
Elizabeth Kidd Dyer1857211878 December 1878
Janet Robertson Dyer1813671880 1st August 1880
John Roberts Dyer1847341881 28th September 1881
Margaret Logan1781751856 4th July 1856
James P Omand
David Robertson
John Roberts181331816 16th October 1816
Thomas Roberts181461820 19th October 1820
Alexander Dyer1821311852 18th July 1852

193RobertsonJames Robertson1786801866id: 1071916293816111th April 1866
Annie Robertson1827221849 9th July 1849
Christina Robertson182661832 15th May 1832
Jessie Robertson1824231847 2nd November 1847
George Robertson1834251859 23rd April 1859
John Robertson1832 died 14th July 1832 aged 4mth
John Robertson182811829 12th June 1829
Sinclair Robertson183511836 4th July 1836
Sinclair Robertson1839271866 4th February 1866
Anne Manson1796751871 6th August 1871

194RobertsonPeter Robertson1858id: 108491629891317th October 1858
Christina Robertson1825611886 29th March 1886
Janet Robertson
David Low
David Robertson1873 28th September 1873
Peter Robertson1823631886 21st June 1886
William Robertson1835521887 9th March 1887
Christian Low1867 12th March 1867

195RobsonChristopher Robson1956472003id: 1090840162890181

196RossAlexander Ross1759531812id: 1080516296812129th May 1812
Helen Mill1762611823 26th September 1823

197RossMargaret Ross79id: 1090760162851171
John Ross
Catherine Ross1807721879
Isabella Ross1800751875
John Williamson

198SandersonJohn Sanderson1801id: 109071516282291March 1801

199SandysSamuel Sandys1734851819id: 10908751629071618th June 1819
Mary Sandys1740641804 1st March 1804

200ScottRobert Scottid: 1090730162833101ROBERT SCOTT B.1764 LASSWADE
Elizabeth Swan1767691836 ELIZABETH SWAN B.1767 LASSWADE

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Canongate Kirk's Church burial ground, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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