All entries for the surname COOPER held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource

All GPR entries for the surname COOPER

num .. full name ... birth year ... burial year ... age ... cemetery ... location ... grave id ... load date
1 Cooper Holy CrossGilling East
2 Cooper All SaintsMendham
3 Cooper 1841 BaptistRattlesden
4 Cooper West (section J)St Andrews
5 Cooper (Mrs) 1754 St AndrewWest Bradenham
6 Cooper St DenyNorth Killingholme
7 Cooper St Mary MagdaleneSternfield
8 Sty Cooper Lake RowenLake Rowen
9A Cooper (Pte) St Mary interiorBury St Edmunds
10A Cooper War MemorialDover
11A Cooper (Private) Boer War MemorialBury St Edmunds
12A Cooper (Pte ) War MemorialGarioch
13A Cooper Vale Baptist War MemorialCornholme
14A Cooper War MemorialWilmslow
15A E Cooper War MemorialPortbury
16A E Cooper (Cpl) War MemorialWoolpit
17A G Cooper Fleet Air Arm MemorialLee-on-the-Solent
18A J Cooper (Private) 40London Road (section F)Thetford
19A J Cooper1926200983Merchant Navy Association Bristol MemorialSt Thomas
20A J Cooper War MemorialThetford
21A P Cooper War MemorialRotherham
22A P Cooper War MemorialRotherham
23A T Cooper1869195384St PeterBentham
24A W Cooper (Air Mech )1887191831Extra MuralBrighton
25Aaron Cooper LawnPine Lodge


full name

birth year

burial year




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Search results for the surname COOPER (total = 4120)

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | 501-525 | 526-550 | 551-575 | 576-600 | 601-625 | 626-650 | 651-675 | 676-700 | 701-725 | 726-750 | 751-775 | 776-800 | 801-825 | 826-850 | 851-875 | 876-900 | 901-925 | 926-950 | 951-975 | 976-1000 | 1001-1025 | 1026-1050 | 1051-1075 | 1076-1100 | 1101-1125 | 1126-1150 | 1151-1175 | 1176-1200 | 1201-1225 | 1226-1250 | 1251-1275 | 1276-1300 | 1301-1325 | 1326-1350 | 1351-1375 | 1376-1400 | 1401-1425 | 1426-1450 | 1451-1475 | 1476-1500 | 1501-1525 | 1526-1550 | 1551-1575 | 1576-1600 | 1601-1625 | 1626-1650 | 1651-1675 | 1676-1700 | 1701-1725 | 1726-1750 | 1751-1775 | 1776-1800 | 1801-1825 | 1826-1850 | 1851-1875 | 1876-1900 | 1901-1925 | 1926-1950 | 1951-1975 | 1976-2000 | 2001-2025 | 2026-2050 | 2051-2075 | 2076-2100 | 2101-2125 | 2126-2150 | 2151-2175 | 2176-2200 | 2201-2225 | 2226-2250 | 2251-2275 | 2276-2300 | 2301-2325 | 2326-2350 | 2351-2375 | 2376-2400 | 2401-2425 | 2426-2450 | 2451-2475 | 2476-2500 | 2501-2525 | 2526-2550 | 2551-2575 | 2576-2600 | 2601-2625 | 2626-2650 | 2651-2675 | 2676-2700 | 2701-2725 | 2726-2750 | 2751-2775 | 2776-2800 | 2801-2825 | 2826-2850 | 2851-2875 | 2876-2900 | 2901-2925 | 2926-2950 | 2951-2975 | 2976-3000 | 3001-3025 | 3026-3050 | 3051-3075 | 3076-3100 | 3101-3125 | 3126-3150 | 3151-3175 | 3176-3200 | 3201-3225 | 3226-3250 | 3251-3275 | 3276-3300 | 3301-3325 | 3326-3350 | 3351-3375 | 3376-3400 | 3401-3425 | 3426-3450 | 3451-3475 | 3476-3500 | 3501-3525 | 3526-3550 | 3551-3575 | 3576-3600 | 3601-3625 | 3626-3650 | 3651-3675 | 3676-3700 | 3701-3725 | 3726-3750 | 3751-3775 | 3776-3800 | 3801-3825 | 3826-3850 | 3851-3875 | 3876-3900 | 3901-3925 | 3926-3950 | 3951-3975 | 3976-4000 | 4001-4025 | 4026-4050 | 4051-4075 | 4076-4100 | 4101-4120 |

There are 4120 surnames for the name COOPER held within the GPR database.

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A name listed within double quotes is either a nickname or pet name.

If a person you searching for is not listed then have a look at the alternative spellings of the surname COOPER by looking at all the surnames starting with the letters C.

If that fails then use the Full Name Search with just the surname COOPER.This will give you similar names as well as entries for maiden and family names.

About the COOPER names held within the GPR

This page contains a list of all the entries for the surname, maiden and family name COOPER that are held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource online database. It is quite likely that there are also entries available for alternative spellings of this name. It is very easy for you to check to see if there are any alternative spellings: you just need to look at the page that shows all the names listed under the starting letter (C in this case) of the surname you are interested in.

The COOPER name may also be found within either maiden or family names stored within the GPR.

If you click on a particular name or GPR reference number above you will see details of what information is held for that particular grave monument. If there is a high quality image available then you will be able to order a free copy of it.

If you click on a particular church, parish or town name above then you will see details of all the grave monument images that are available for that particular location.

If there is a blank in the relationship column above then it means that this person is the first named individual on the grave monument.

If you are interested in ordering a number of different images from different graves monuments, it may help if you list in grave order so that everyone mentioned on the same monument are listed together.

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Please note that all ages and dates of birth listed in the above list that are shown in red have been calculated and are probably not on the monument.

You should treat the calculated dates of birth with caution as the ages given on monuments are often inaccurate. The dates and ages on many monuments are also often hard to read. It is therefore important to use the dates as guides as they may be incorrect.

The same person may appear many times in the above list. This is because a person can easily be listed on many different monuments. For instance, a person could be listed on their own grave as well as on the gravestone monuments of their children and their spouse. Occasionally names will be duplicated because the monument has in error been photographed and indexed twice.

Where a relationship is shown as unknown, this usually means that parts of the monument are illegible and relationship cannot be read.

Where no relationship is given this means that this is normally the first name on the monument. All the relationships on any particular monument relate to this first named individual.

If there is no burial date then it is likely that they are not buried at this location. Please note that the GPR records ALL names on monuments.

All comment /feedback /help requests within the Gravestone Photographic Resource for the name COOPER

Thank you

Thank you!
entry submitted by Michelle Myers on: 27/01/2019 05:01 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you

Speedy response to my request. Thank you. Great resource
entry submitted by SPT on: 29/12/2018 04:55 GMT ........ contact this person

Great resource

Thank you Charles for the work that you do with this website. I have made many interesting discoveries for my family tree and it is wonderful to find out the final resting places of my relations
entry submitted by Lynne Barrett on: 31/10/2018 06:51 GMT ........ contact this person

Fabulous Help

Thank you so much for the lovely photograph of my Great Grand Uncle Alfred Cooper's Grave.
entry submitted by Marion Mull on: 09/09/2018 04:16 GMT ........ contact this person

Harriot Cooper

Dear Charles, thank you for your prompt response to my photo request. Unfortunately it did not produce the link I was looking for, but may prove useful. Being in London it is not easy to get to rural Norfolk by public transport, in order to view graves.
entry submitted by robert watts on: 08/08/2018 09:43 GMT ........ contact this person

Excellent resource - ANTHONY COOPER

Thank you so much for the gravestone photo of my great, great, great grandfather. It has helped my family history research and your website is a tremendous resource.
entry submitted by Jennifer Stephenson on: 27/04/2018 12:44 GMT ........ contact this person

Wonderful generosity

Many thanks for this prompt and excellent service.
entry submitted by Sue R on: 30/08/2017 01:46 GMT ........ contact this person

Fantastic quality photograph!

This really helped read the detail of the inscriptions - thank you so much! Your kindness appreciated.
entry submitted by SMT on: 30/07/2017 04:50 GMT ........ contact this person

Trimley St. Mary - Churchyard update review

Many thanks Charles for enabling the use of such a valuable resource - it is much appreciated, in particular as I am updating some historic information / helping with enquiries regarding the churchyards of St. Martin's, & St. Mary's - Trimley, Suffolk Kind regards Andrew King - Churchwarden
entry submitted by Andrew King on: 16/05/2017 07:23 GMT ........ contact this person

Thomas Cooper and Annie Cooper nee Robinson

Thank you for the photograph of their grave, I have added it to their appropriate records on my database.
entry submitted by Karen on: 07/04/2017 04:32 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you!

Thank you Charles for your almost immediate response. And.. the quality of the photo was excellent. This service is greatly appreciated.
entry submitted by B Smalley on: 09/02/2017 07:49 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you

Very much appreciate the very rapid responce to my request for a photo of the grave of William Stanley Cooper. Another branch added to the tree.
entry submitted by Julia on: 09/01/2017 10:45 GMT ........ contact this person

Information on Cooper and Nooth families, Kew, Surrey.

I want to express my very real gratitude to the individuals and organisation involved in making this resource available. Your information and images add a rich extra dimension to family research. Many, many thanks.
entry submitted by N.J.Cooper on: 09/01/2017 08:52 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank You

Thank you for a quick response and a very professional website
entry submitted by Lindsay on: 22/07/2016 05:46 GMT ........ contact this person

I was pleased to have a new website to search for headstones

I was pleased to have a new website to search for headstones. Plus the response was quick and helpful. THANKS!
entry submitted by Gayle on: 30/06/2016 11:30 GMT ........ contact this person

Cooper Family

Thank you, once again, Charles for such a swift response - fantastic as usual.
entry submitted by JH on: 14/10/2013 05:19 GMT ........ contact this person


Thanks for allowing quick access to several requested images. No one knows how long digital images will survive but having visited many cemeteries where monumental inscriptions have long since eroded away to leave blank headstones, it is vital that more and more photographs are taken to record the inscriptions now and show the current condition of headstones for future generations, especially as cemeteries fill up and controversially local authority councils in the U.K. are drawing up plans for plots to be reused.
entry submitted by Martin Kane on: 13/10/2013 10:46 GMT ........ contact this person

Extra information about the grave, and its whereabouts.

Thank you so much for your help the photograph is wonderful.not on the epitaph is that my grand mother was interred also, which is a shame, So i have my grand parents and great grand parent in the one grave, which my mother couldn't find on a recent visit and wondered if you had any idea where too? kind regards Jenny.
entry submitted by Jennifer Roper on: 01/04/2013 10:52 GMT ........ contact this person

Excellent Service

Charles, thank you once again for supplying the photographs requested. As so many have already said I would not be able to do this myself and therefore I am very grateful.
entry submitted by J Higgins on: 06/02/2013 07:20 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank You

Really appreciate the prompt attention to my request and it was very helpful in filling in gaps in my family tree.
entry submitted by Sally-Ann Golding on: 18/05/2011 06:58 GMT ........ contact this person

cooper of Blythburgh

Thank you very much for sending me the images in my quest for a relic of "The James and Eleanor". This is an excellent service!
entry submitted by Valerie Glass on: 07/01/2011 10:06 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you

Thank you very much for your prompt response to my request for an image of my 4xggrandparents gravestone. It is greatly appreciated and its lead to bringing down a few "brickwalls" in my tree.
entry submitted by Ann Wetton on: 17/07/2010 12:38 GMT ........ contact this person
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