Family names starting with Y
To see all the references to a particular family name held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource, just click that particular family name in the list below.
Family names are those surnames that are found as a persons last forename.
There are 99 surnames starting with the letter Y
Use the following links to jump to the names starting with these two letters:
Ya .. Yb .. Yc .. Yd .. Ye .. Yf .. Yg .. Yh .. Yi .. Yj .. Yk .. Yl .. Ym .. Yn .. Yo .. Yp .. Yq .. Yr .. Ys .. Yt .. Yu .. Yv .. Yw .. Yx .. Yy .. Yz ..
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Yaeman . . .
Yallop . . .
Yandle . . . Yanekiam . . .
Yarde . . . Yardley . . . Yarington . . . Yarrow . . . Yarwood . . .
Yate . . . Yateman . . . Yates . . . Yatman . . .
Yeld . . . Yellden . . . Yelling . . . Yellowlees . . . Yelton . . .
Yendell . . .
Yeo . . . Yeoman . . .
Yerworth . . .
Yool . . .
Yorke . . .
Youatt . . . Youdale . . . Youdan . . . Youens . . . Youldon . . . Youlie . . . Youmans . . . Younghusband . . . Youngman . . . Youngs . . . Youngson . . . Younnie . . . Youren . . . Yourk . . .
Yeadon . . . Yeardley . . . Yeardon . . . Yeates . . . Yeatman . . . Yeats . . .Yo
Yoke . . .Yp
Ypres . . .Yv
Yvert . . .Yo
Young . . .Ya
Yarrowyck . . .Yo
Youd . . .Ya
Yachare . . .Yu
Yurek . . .Yn
Ynyr . . .Ye
Yeomans . . .Yo
Youdell . . .Yi
Yilgarn . . .Ya
Yarnold . . .Ya
Yacoub . . .Yo
Yohan . . .Ya
Yarr . . .Ye
Yeldon . . .Yu
Yusef . . .Ye
Yealfe . . .Yu
Yudes . . .Ye
Yee . . .Yi
Yin . . .Yu
Yukio . . .Ye
Yeul . . .Yb
Ybur . . .Yu
Yuit . . .Ye
Yeadstone . . .Yo
Yogesh . . .google ad
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