List of names in alphabetic name order within Brookwood, Surrey, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Brookwood

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Brookwood, Surrey, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
5201Welch Welch nee Comptondaughter of Louisa Isabella Compton1856194589DSC_442391059711London Necropolis (plot 27)
5202Brian Charles Durant Kemp Welchrelationship not known of Lilian Welch1950DSC_541392787411London Necropolis (plot 31)
5203Charles Durant Kemp Welchhusband of Lilian Welch1916DSC_541392787411London Necropolis (plot 31)
5204Lilian Welchfirst name on the monument1913DSC_541392787411London Necropolis (plot 31)
5205Mary Kemp Welchfirst name on the monument1846190458DSC_663393820511London Necropolis (plot 34)
5206R Courtenay Welchson-in-law of Louisa Isabella ComptonDSC_442391059711London Necropolis (plot 27)
5207Thomas Kemp Welchfirst name on the monument1880192343DSC_541292789911London Necropolis (plot 31)
5208Verena Welchrelationship not known of Lilian Welch1968DSC_541392787411London Necropolis (plot 31)
5209Walter George Frederic Welchgrand son of Louisa Isabella Compton1890191424DSC_442391059711London Necropolis (plot 27)
5210WeldonCaroline Weldonrelationship not known of Edith Weldon1821187756DSC_372090696911London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5211Edith Weldonfirst name on the monument1861188221DSC_372090696911London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5212Ernest Weldonhusband of Edith WeldonDSC_372090696911London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5213Ernest Weldonfirst name on the monument1861188928DSC_699095329811London Necropolis (plot 26)
5214Jeremiah Weldonrelationship not known of Edith Weldon1823188057DSC_372090696911London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5215Wellesley Wellesleyfather-in-law of Bernard Hamilton GunstonDSC_696095328321London Necropolis (plot 26)
5216Arthur George Henry Wellesleyson of William Henry Charles Wellesley1851189342DSC_697795329311London Necropolis (plot 26)
5217Elizabeth Doughty Wellesleywife of George Oreville Wellesley1906DSC_611993067611London Necropolis (plot 32)
5218George Oreville Wellesleyfirst name on the monument1814190187DSC_611993067611London Necropolis (plot 32)
5219Jane Wellesleywife of William Henry Charles Wellesley1831190170DSC_697795329311London Necropolis (plot 26)
5220W H Wellesleyfather-in-law of George Francis Fleetwood Cradock HartoppDSC_407390854811London Necropolis (plots 36-38)
5221William Henry Charles Wellesleyfirst name on the monument1813188875DSC_697795329311London Necropolis (plot 26)
5222WentworthEliza Sophia Wentworthfirst name on the monument1898DSC_568692803911London Necropolis (plot 31)
5223William Charles Wentworthfather of Eliza Sophia WentworthDSC_568692803911London Necropolis (plot 31)
5224WerryHarriet Catherine Werryfirst name on the monument1828188456DSC_607093065211London Necropolis (plot 32)
5225Isabelle Anne Werryrelationship not known of Harriet Catherine Werry1837188851DSC_607093065211London Necropolis (plot 32)
5226WestGeorge Joseph Westson of George William West1845188843DSC_432391053621London Necropolis (plot 27)
5227George William Westfirst name on the monument1818188163DSC_432391053621London Necropolis (plot 27)
5228Harriet West nee Deathdaughter of Henry Death1853194087DSC_363690690931London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5229Helena West nee Petriewife of Noel West1852194290DSC_567992803421London Necropolis (plot 31)
5230Margaret Westdaughter of George William West1841192483DSC_432391053621London Necropolis (plot 27)
5231Mary Ann Westwife of George William West1815190085DSC_432391053621London Necropolis (plot 27)
5232Mary Hilda Westfirst name on the monument1919DSC_352090681411London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5233Noel Westfirst name on the monument1840190565DSC_567992803421London Necropolis (plot 31)
5234Penelope Mary Westdaughter of Noel West1880195171DSC_567992803421London Necropolis (plot 31)
5235Rebecca West nee Fairfieldfirst name on the monument1892198391DSC_344690676111London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5236Rebecca West nee Fairfieldpen name of Rebecca West1892198391DSC_344690676111London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5237Sarah Westdaughter of George William West1842191775DSC_432391053621London Necropolis (plot 27)
5238WestendarpCharles Henry Westendarpfirst name on the monument1835189661DSC_444791061421London Necropolis (plot 27)
5239WestlandJames Westlandfirst name on the monument1842190361DSC_525292783211London Necropolis (plot 31)
5240James Westlandfather of James WestlandDSC_525292783211London Necropolis (plot 31)
5241Janet Mildred Westland nee Jacksonwife of James Westland1854192773DSC_525292783211London Necropolis (plot 31)
5242WetherallCharlotte Wetherallfirst name on the monument1919DSC_302490498131London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)
5243Frederick Henry Packenham Wetherallfirst name on the monument1819189879DSC_302490498011London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)
5244WheatlandClifford Bernard Wheatlandfirst name on the monument1883191835DSC_350990680411London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5245Daisy Wheatlandrelationship not known of Clifford Bernard Wheatland1885196681DSC_350990680411London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5246WheelerAnnie Maria De Vere Wheelerwife of Frederick De Vere Wheeler1934DSC_337890671211London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5247Daisy Wheelersister of Gladys Lewis188418840DSC_372290697111London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5248Edgar Hugh Wheelerdaughter of Gladys Lewis187718803DSC_372290697111London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
5249Elizabeth Wheelerfirst name on the monument1858189032DSC_320290511111London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)
5250Evangeline Wheelersister of Mary Ann Hannah Wheeler1868188012DSC_432791053911London Necropolis (plot 27)

Lists of 5569 names on monuments within Brookwood cemeteries:

page start names: | Ainslie | Anderson | Aplin | Avant | Banbury | Barratt | Baxter | Bennett | Bethune | Bircham | Bothamley | Bradford | Brown | Bulwer | Butler | Campbell | Ceely | Chetwynd | Clay | Colborne | Compigne | Cope | Cox | Critchett | Dalrymple | Davison | Derrett | Dore | Duncan | Ellis | Faber | Faux | Fitzgerald | Fox | Galsworthy | Gell | Glass | Gourlay | Gray | Grove | Hames | Hardinge | Hart | Hayne | Higgins | Holland | Hosegood | Hughes | Hutton | Jackson | Jex | Jones | Kelly | Kingsford | Langley | Ledger | Liddell | London | Lyell | Madden | Mann | Martin | Mayor | Meadows | Millais | Moller | Moreton | Mortimer | Nash | Newton | O'hagan | Page | Parr | Pearse | Phipps | Poland | Price | Ravenshaw | Remnant | Ricketts | Roberts | Rogers | Ruff | Sanderson | Schaefer | Sewell | Shemeld | Silverlock | Smith | Smith | Solomon | Squibb | Steele | Stibbs | Sturt | Taylor | Thompson | Towne | Turner | Vallange | Verrinder | Walker | Waring | Weir | Wheeler | White | Williams | Wilson | Wood | Worthington | Yates |

page start numbers: 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-600 | 601-650 | 651-700 | 701-750 | 751-800 | 801-850 | 851-900 | 901-950 | 951-1000 | 1001-1050 | 1051-1100 | 1101-1150 | 1151-1200 | 1201-1250 | 1251-1300 | 1301-1350 | 1351-1400 | 1401-1450 | 1451-1500 | 1501-1550 | 1551-1600 | 1601-1650 | 1651-1700 | 1701-1750 | 1751-1800 | 1801-1850 | 1851-1900 | 1901-1950 | 1951-2000 | 2001-2050 | 2051-2100 | 2101-2150 | 2151-2200 | 2201-2250 | 2251-2300 | 2301-2350 | 2351-2400 | 2401-2450 | 2451-2500 | 2501-2550 | 2551-2600 | 2601-2650 | 2651-2700 | 2701-2750 | 2751-2800 | 2801-2850 | 2851-2900 | 2901-2950 | 2951-3000 | 3001-3050 | 3051-3100 | 3101-3150 | 3151-3200 | 3201-3250 | 3251-3300 | 3301-3350 | 3351-3400 | 3401-3450 | 3451-3500 | 3501-3550 | 3551-3600 | 3601-3650 | 3651-3700 | 3701-3750 | 3751-3800 | 3801-3850 | 3851-3900 | 3901-3950 | 3951-4000 | 4001-4050 | 4051-4100 | 4101-4150 | 4151-4200 | 4201-4250 | 4251-4300 | 4301-4350 | 4351-4400 | 4401-4450 | 4451-4500 | 4501-4550 | 4551-4600 | 4601-4650 | 4651-4700 | 4701-4750 | 4751-4800 | 4801-4850 | 4851-4900 | 4901-4950 | 4951-5000 | 5001-5050 | 5051-5100 | 5101-5150 | 5151-5200 | 5201-5250 | 5251-5300 | 5301-5350 | 5351-5400 | 5401-5450 | 5451-5500 | 5501-5550 | 5551-5569 |

London Necropolis (plot 26)

London Necropolis (plot 27)

London Necropolis (plot 28)

London Necropolis (plot 29)

London Necropolis (plot 30)

London Necropolis (plot 31)

London Necropolis (plot 32)

London Necropolis (plot 33)

London Necropolis (plot 34)

London Necropolis (plot 76)

London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)

London Necropolis (plots 36-38)

London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)

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