List of names in alphabetic name order within Brookwood, Surrey, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Brookwood

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To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Brookwood, Surrey, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
2651KelseyJoseph Kelseyrelationship not known of Richard Richardson1864DSC_443291060081London Necropolis (plot 27)
2652KempFrederick W J Kemphusband of Mary KempDSC_3170905085111London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)
2653Frederick W J Kemphusband of Mary KempDSC_3393906726171London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
2654Harriet Kempwife of John Robert Kemp1929DSC_5024925762271London Necropolis (plot 30)
2655John Robert Kempfirst name on the monument1851190150DSC_5024925762271London Necropolis (plot 30)
2656Mary Kempfirst name on the monument1851192271DSC_3170905085111London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)
2657Mary Kempfirst name on the monument1858192971DSC_3393906726171London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
2658KendallHelen Maud Kendallrelationship not known of George Alexander Browning1860194181DSC_670793824361London Necropolis (plot 34)
2659KennedyDuncan Kennedyrelationship not known of Mary Emily Boyle1820190585DSC_5375927895151London Necropolis (plot 31)
2660Henrietta Marion Kennedysister of Katharine Singleton1928DSC_4202908622241London Necropolis (plots 36-38)
2661Michael Kavanagh Kennedyrelationship not known of Katharine SingletonDSC_4202908622241London Necropolis (plots 36-38)
2662KentBertie Gordon Kentfirst name on the monument1869190233DSC_671193824531London Necropolis (plot 34)
2663Fanny Kentdaughter of Isabella Kent185718603DSC_6705938242101London Necropolis (plot 34)
2664Isabella Kentfirst name on the monument1835188752DSC_6705938242101London Necropolis (plot 34)
2665J G Kentfather of Bertie Gordon KentDSC_671193824531London Necropolis (plot 34)
2666Robert Jackson Kenthusband of Isabella Kent1831191483DSC_6705938242101London Necropolis (plot 34)
2667KestertonAnnie Kestertonfirst name on the monument1837191376DSC_6093930663191London Necropolis (plot 32)
2668Vicesimus Kestertonhusband of Annie Kesterton1833192087DSC_6093930663191London Necropolis (plot 32)
2669KidsonGeorge Herbert Kidsonfirst name on the monument1912192917DSC_4031908522331London Necropolis (plots 36-38)
2670Herbert Kidsonfather of George Herbert Kidson1882196381DSC_4031908522331London Necropolis (plots 36-38)
2671Lena Kidsonmother of George Herbert Kidson1883197087DSC_4031908522331London Necropolis (plots 36-38)
2672KimTan Jiak Kimhusband of Ung Geok Hien KimDSC_5125925804101London Necropolis (plot 30)
2673Ung Geok Hien Kimfirst name on the monument1875191136DSC_5125925804101London Necropolis (plot 30)
2674KimberAlice Augusta Kimberwife of Arthur Kimber1846192882DSC_6947953276131London Necropolis (plot 26)
2675Arthur Kimberfirst name on the monument1841190867DSC_6947953276131London Necropolis (plot 26)
2676Eliza Kimberwife of Joseph Kimber1894DSC_695795328191London Necropolis (plot 26)
2677Florence Sarah Kimberfirst name on the monument1907DSC_6950953278121London Necropolis (plot 26)
2678Henry Kimberhusband of Mary Adelaide Kimber1834192389DSC_695695328071London Necropolis (plot 26)
2679Henry Dixon Kimberhusband of Florence Sarah Kimber1862195088DSC_6950953278121London Necropolis (plot 26)
2680James Kimberfather of Alice Shepherd1832191684DSC_6959953282141London Necropolis (plot 26)
2681John Kimberhusband of Lucy KimberDSC_3414906740291London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
2682Joseph Kimberfirst name on the monument1807189386DSC_695795328191London Necropolis (plot 26)
2683Lucy Kimberfirst name on the monument1854189844DSC_3414906740291London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)
2684Mary Adelaide Kimberfirst name on the monument1901DSC_695695328071London Necropolis (plot 26)
2685KinahanRichard G Kinahanfirst name on the monument1837191174DSC_4978925734481London Necropolis (plot 30)
2686Sarah Frances Kinahanwife of Richard G Kinahan1853192168DSC_4978925734481London Necropolis (plot 30)
2687KingAugusta Mary Kingwife of Augustus Henry King1830191989DSC_6891953254151London Necropolis (plot 26)
2688Augustus Henry Kingfirst name on the monument1831189968DSC_6891953254151London Necropolis (plot 26)
2689Charles Kingfirst name on the monument1817187760DSC_4436910604121London Necropolis (plot 27)
2690Charles John Kingfirst name on the monument1832188654DSC_7015953304101London Necropolis (plot 26)
2691Delia Kingwife of James Claude King1943DSC_654993816051London Necropolis (plot 34)
2692Eliza Kingwife of Charles King1829187546DSC_4436910604121London Necropolis (plot 27)
2693Elizabeth Jane Kingfirst name on the monument1837187134DSC_701195330881London Necropolis (plot 26)
2694Henrietta Kingsister of Charles King1821189574DSC_4436910604121London Necropolis (plot 27)
2695James Claude Kingfirst name on the monument1911DSC_654993816051London Necropolis (plot 34)
2696W Moss Kingfather of Charles John KingDSC_7015953304101London Necropolis (plot 26)
2697Winifred Mary Isabella Kingfirst name on the monument1882192644DSC_654693815731London Necropolis (plot 34)
2698KingsfordJohn Jeken Kingsfordfirst name on the monument1815189984DSC_5254927833111London Necropolis (plot 31)
2699Kenneth Jeken Kingsfordson of John Jeken Kingsford1865192661DSC_5254927833111London Necropolis (plot 31)
2700Mary Powell Kingsford nee Parishwife of John Jeken Kingsford1826191387DSC_5254927833111London Necropolis (plot 31)

Lists of 5569 names on monuments within Brookwood cemeteries:

page start names: | Ainslie | Anderson | Aplin | Avant | Banbury | Barratt | Baxter | Bennett | Bethune | Bircham | Bothamley | Bradford | Brown | Bulwer | Butler | Campbell | Ceely | Chetwynd | Clay | Colborne | Compigne | Cope | Cox | Critchett | Dalrymple | Davison | Derrett | Dore | Duncan | Ellis | Faber | Faux | Fitzgerald | Fox | Galsworthy | Gell | Glass | Gourlay | Gray | Grove | Hames | Hardinge | Hart | Hayne | Higgins | Holland | Hosegood | Hughes | Hutton | Jackson | Jex | Jones | Kelly | Kingsford | Langley | Ledger | Liddell | London | Lyell | Madden | Mann | Martin | Mayor | Meadows | Millais | Moller | Moreton | Mortimer | Nash | Newton | O'hagan | Page | Parr | Pearse | Phipps | Poland | Price | Ravenshaw | Remnant | Ricketts | Roberts | Rogers | Ruff | Sanderson | Schaefer | Sewell | Shemeld | Silverlock | Smith | Smith | Solomon | Squibb | Steele | Stibbs | Sturt | Taylor | Thompson | Towne | Turner | Vallange | Verrinder | Walker | Waring | Weir | Wheeler | White | Williams | Wilson | Wood | Worthington | Yates |

page start numbers: 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-600 | 601-650 | 651-700 | 701-750 | 751-800 | 801-850 | 851-900 | 901-950 | 951-1000 | 1001-1050 | 1051-1100 | 1101-1150 | 1151-1200 | 1201-1250 | 1251-1300 | 1301-1350 | 1351-1400 | 1401-1450 | 1451-1500 | 1501-1550 | 1551-1600 | 1601-1650 | 1651-1700 | 1701-1750 | 1751-1800 | 1801-1850 | 1851-1900 | 1901-1950 | 1951-2000 | 2001-2050 | 2051-2100 | 2101-2150 | 2151-2200 | 2201-2250 | 2251-2300 | 2301-2350 | 2351-2400 | 2401-2450 | 2451-2500 | 2501-2550 | 2551-2600 | 2601-2650 | 2651-2700 | 2701-2750 | 2751-2800 | 2801-2850 | 2851-2900 | 2901-2950 | 2951-3000 | 3001-3050 | 3051-3100 | 3101-3150 | 3151-3200 | 3201-3250 | 3251-3300 | 3301-3350 | 3351-3400 | 3401-3450 | 3451-3500 | 3501-3550 | 3551-3600 | 3601-3650 | 3651-3700 | 3701-3750 | 3751-3800 | 3801-3850 | 3851-3900 | 3901-3950 | 3951-4000 | 4001-4050 | 4051-4100 | 4101-4150 | 4151-4200 | 4201-4250 | 4251-4300 | 4301-4350 | 4351-4400 | 4401-4450 | 4451-4500 | 4501-4550 | 4551-4600 | 4601-4650 | 4651-4700 | 4701-4750 | 4751-4800 | 4801-4850 | 4851-4900 | 4901-4950 | 4951-5000 | 5001-5050 | 5051-5100 | 5101-5150 | 5151-5200 | 5201-5250 | 5251-5300 | 5301-5350 | 5351-5400 | 5401-5450 | 5451-5500 | 5501-5550 | 5551-5569 |

London Necropolis (plot 26)

London Necropolis (plot 27)

London Necropolis (plot 28)

London Necropolis (plot 29)

London Necropolis (plot 30)

London Necropolis (plot 31)

London Necropolis (plot 32)

London Necropolis (plot 33)

London Necropolis (plot 34)

London Necropolis (plot 76)

London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)

London Necropolis (plots 36-38)

London Necropolis (south plots 77-84)

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