List of names in alphabetic name order within Kimberley, Norfolk, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Kimberley

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Kimberley, Norfolk, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
1BanhamAlec Banhamname on the war memorialKroh169840961St Peter (roll of honour)
2Alec Banhamname on the war memorialKroh169992481St Peter (roll of honour)
3BarnardJames Barnardname on the war memorialKroh169840211St Peter (roll of honour)
4James Barnardname on the war memorialKroh169991741St Peter (roll of honour)
5BradleyHorace Bradleyname on the war memorialKroh169840621St Peter (roll of honour)
6Horace Bradleyname on the war memorialKroh169992121St Peter (roll of honour)
7BuckleCharles Bucklename on the war memorialKroh169840111St Peter (roll of honour)
8Charles Bucklename on the war memorialKroh169991631St Peter (roll of honour)
9BunnSeptimus Bunnname on the war memorialKroh169840531St Peter (roll of honour)
10Septimus Bunnname on the war memorialKroh169992051St Peter (roll of honour)
11CarterArthur Cartername on the war memorialKroh169993031St Peter (roll of honour)
12Arthur Cartername on the war memorialKroh169841521St Peter (roll of honour)
13CubittHarold Cubittname on the war memorialKroh169991951St Peter (roll of honour)
14Harold Cubittname on the war memorialKroh169840411St Peter (roll of honour)
15EllisThomas James Ellisname on the war memorialKroh169840831St Peter (roll of honour)
16Thomas James Ellisname on the war memorialKroh169992321St Peter (roll of honour)
17GreengrassCecil Greengrassname on the war memorialKroh169991481St Peter (roll of honour)
18Cecil Greengrassname on the war memorialKroh169839941St Peter (roll of honour)
19HammondSidney Hammondname on the war memorialKroh169992941St Peter (roll of honour)
20Sidney Hammondname on the war memorialKroh169841431St Peter (roll of honour)
21William Hammondname on the war memorialKroh169841321St Peter (roll of honour)
22William Hammondname on the war memorialKroh169992821St Peter (roll of honour)
23HarrisonBertie Harrisonname on the war memorialKroh169993231St Peter (roll of honour)
24Bertie Harrisonname on the war memorialKroh169841721St Peter (roll of honour)
25KerrisonPeter Kerrisonname on the war memorialKroh169841831St Peter (roll of honour)
26Peter Kerrisonname on the war memorialKroh169993321St Peter (roll of honour)
27LeachEdward Leachname on the war memorialKroh169991831St Peter (roll of honour)
28Edward Leachname on the war memorialKroh169840331St Peter (roll of honour)
29LovedayCecil Lovedayname on the war memorialKroh169993141St Peter (roll of honour)
30Cecil Lovedayname on the war memorialKroh169841631St Peter (roll of honour)
31MossWilliam Mossname on the war memorialKroh169840021St Peter (roll of honour)
32William Mossname on the war memorialKroh169991531St Peter (roll of honour)
33SpaldingBenjamin Spaldingname on the war memorialKroh169992621St Peter (roll of honour)
34Benjamin Spaldingname on the war memorialKroh169841121St Peter (roll of honour)
35Frederick Spaldingname on the war memorialKroh169993861St Peter (roll of honour)
36Frederick Spaldingname on the war memorialKroh169842311St Peter (roll of honour)
37Thomas Spaldingname on the war memorialKroh169841221St Peter (roll of honour)
38Thomas Spaldingname on the war memorialKroh169992721St Peter (roll of honour)
39SpinksAlfred Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169991041St Peter (roll of honour)
40Alfred Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169839541St Peter (roll of honour)
41Herbert Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169839731St Peter (roll of honour)
42Herbert Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169991251St Peter (roll of honour)
43James Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169991141St Peter (roll of honour)
44James Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169839631St Peter (roll of honour)
45William Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169991351St Peter (roll of honour)
46William Spinksname on the war memorialKroh169839821St Peter (roll of honour)
47TollidayCharles Tollidayname on the war memorialKroh169993521St Peter (roll of honour)
48Charles Tollidayname on the war memorialKroh169842041St Peter (roll of honour)
49WodehouseEdward Wodehousename on the war memorialKroh169993661St Peter (roll of honour)
50Edward Wodehousename on the war memorialKroh169842131St Peter (roll of honour)

Lists of 58 names on monuments within Kimberley cemeteries:

page start names: Banham | Wodehouse |

page start numbers: 1-50 | 51-58 |

St Peter (roll of honour)

St Peter (roll of honour)

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