Grave monuments within Brookwood cemeteries (Surrey, ) indexed by Gravestone Photographic Resource Project

Cemeteries within Brookwood

Brookwood grave monument sites that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR

Below are the churchyard or other cemetery and monument sites that have been indexed within Brookwood, Surrey.

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Brookwood cemetery details

city/town/villagecemetery namegravesnamesrequestsstatusaddedtype
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 26)103273279611 August 2023cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 27)16943927966 December 2021cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 28)5014527965 January 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 29)80184279616 April 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 30)186514279629 May 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 31)289759279622 August 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 32)177489279624 September 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 33)9529627967 November 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 34)158472279719 February 2023cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plot 76)17037827962 February 2022cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75)25658927963 October 2021cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (plots 36-38)138367279613 November 2021cemetery
BrookwoodLondon Necropolis (south plots 77-84)320664279725 October 2021cemetery

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