Surname list for St Augustine, Heanton Punchardon, Devon, England grave monument photos held within Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

St Augustine's Church burial ground, Heanton Punchardon, Devon, England

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List of names found on St Augustine's Church burial ground tomb monuments
full namebirth
GPR ref.number
of views

126CoatesGrace Coates1925196035id: 332237520241
127James Coates186918712id: 382237554201
128James Coatesid: 382237556201
129Milinda Ann Coates187418795id: 382237555201
130Sarah Coates1851191564id: 396237592271
131T Coatesid: 6236963231
132Thomas Coates1845191065id: 396237591271
133Thomas Coates1876191741id: 396237593271

134CoatsDorothy Coats1917199275id: 359237529351
135Florence Maud Coats1882195068id: 359237528351
136John Coats1863193471id: 359237527351

137ColeLily Cole1863194481id: 144237291291
138William Cole1856191660id: 144237289291

139ColliverHolly L Colliver1894198086id: 211237444291

140CookAlfreda Mary Cook1900198181id: 199237422331

141CooksonEva Kathleen Cookson1921199473id: 221237465321

142CorneyAlfred W Corney1924id: 175237372331
143Bertie Corney1890192030id: 179237375401
144Charlotte Corney1842189957id: 44237050311
145Ernest Corney1883id: 44237056311
146Ernest Corney1886197387id: 229237481301
147Frederick H Corney1941id: 175237374331
148George Corney1836191680id: 44237051311
149James Corney1879id: 44237053311
150John Corney1854187117id: 46237059301

Grave Monument Photographs

Names on Grave Monument photographs

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Augustine's Church burial ground, Heanton Punchardon, Devon, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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