Surname list for Municipal Convent, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England grave monument photos held within Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

Municipal Convent Cemetery, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England

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List of names found on Municipal Convent Cemetery tomb monuments
full namebirth
GPR ref.number
of views

1AllnuttChristopher Allnutt1982id: 348214650171

2ArkwrightFelicitas Arkwright1990id: Arkwright Felicitas 396214662161

3AylwardSt Othelia Aylward1942id: 228214642181

4BouttellEdmund Bouttell1994id: 102214634191

5BrackenAloysius Bracken1993id: 104214640181

6BrowneKevin Browne1988id: 349214655201

7CantwellFrances De Sales Cantwell1990id: 396214663121

8CarlosMarie Therese Carlos1993id: 103214636161

9CaulfieldBrigid Caulfield1998id: 100214627181

10ClarkePeter Clarke1975id: Clarke Peter 43214607171

11CliffordAssisi Clifford2006id: Clifford Assisi 92214609151

12CouckeFrances Borgia Coucke1992id: 396214664151

13CrookClare Crook2005id: 93214613161

14CrowleyRose Crowley1983id: 348214651221

15CurtisLigouri Curtis1991id: Curtis Ligouri 104214638211

16DaltonPhilomena Dalton1997id: 99214624171

17DalyTeresa Daly2006id: 94214616171

18DeaneGeorge Deane2008id: 92214611141

19EganPaula Egan1997id: Egan Paula 99214623201

20FlynnMargaret Mary Flynn2000id: Flynn Margaret Mary 98214620231

21FogartyAlphonsus Fogarty2002id: 95214618171
22Celestine Fogarty2005id: 95214619211

23GibneyRaymond Gibney1977id: Gibney Raymond 346214644231

24GreaneyPatricia Greaney1982id: 347214649241

25GreenCampion Green2003id: Green Campion 94214614201

Grave Monument Photographs

Names on Grave Monument photographs

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Municipal Convent Cemetery, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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