St John the Baptist (new)'s Church burial ground, Butley, Suffolk, England

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Monument list with thumbnail images surnamefull namebirth
imageGPR ref.viewedrequestednotes

76KittleOlive Ruby Kittle1899721971St John the Baptist (new)
id: Kittle Olive Ruby 64

77LargeArthur Abraham Large1888281916St John the Baptist (new)
id: Large Arthur Abraham 135

78LargeHannah Large1971St John the Baptist (new)
id: Large Hannah 138

79LeekJulie Leek1953552008St John the Baptist (new)
id: Leek Julie 11

80LummisMalcolm Alvar Lummis1940531993St John the Baptist (new)
id: Lummis Malcolm Alvar 25

81MarjoramAbigail Marjoram1887811968no image128796141

82MarjoramGeorge Andrew Marjoram54no image128797121

83MayhewAlfred Ernest Mayhew1905591964St John the Baptist (new)
id: Mayhew Alfred Ernest 105c
Lilian Sarah Mayhew1905761981

84MayhewCyril George Mayhew1913791992St John the Baptist (new)
id: Mayhew Cyril George 23

85MayhewPeggy Rosemary Mayhew1923401963St John the Baptist (new)
id: Mayhew Peggy Rosemary 75

86MayhewSylvia MayhewSt John the Baptist (new)
id: Mayhew Sylvia 3

87MayhewWilfred John Mayhew1926St John the Baptist (new)
id: Mayhew Wilfred John 133
Ernest Mayhew
Elizabeth Mayhew

88MeadowsEllen J Meadows1937no image128803202
Robert Meadows1851881939

89NobleVera Sybil Noble1994St John the Baptist (new)
id: Noble Vera Sybil 71

90PageAlice Page1926St John the Baptist (new)
id: Page Alice 123a
William Page
Mary Page

91PageAlice Page1926St John the Baptist (new)
id: Page Alice 123b
William Page
Mary Page

92PageFrederick Alfred Page1905901995St John the Baptist (new)
id: Page Frederick Alfred 26

93PageGordon William Page1907731980St John the Baptist (new)
id: Page Gordon William 44

94PalmerHerbert Frederick Palmer1916491965St John the Baptist (new)
id: Palmer Herbert Frederick 91

95ParrettColin Gerald Parrett1931461977St John the Baptist (new)
id: Parrett Colin Gerald 50

96ParrettCyril Colin Parrett1906711977St John the Baptist (new)
id: Parrett Cyril Colin 51
Brida Margaret Parrett1910791989

97PettittBob Pettitt1927792006St John the Baptist (new)
id: Pettitt Bob 10

98PettittElizabeth Pettitt1859621921St John the Baptist (new)
id: Pettitt Elizabeth 129
William Pettitt1855841939

99PettittFrederick Pettitt1930571987St John the Baptist (new)
id: Pettitt Frederick 35

100PettittJane Elizabeth Pettitt79St John the Baptist (new)
id: Pettitt Jane Elizabeth 87

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Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St John the Baptist (new)'s Church burial ground, Butley, Suffolk, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery.The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument.The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown below are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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