Monument list for St Peter and St Paul Church burial ground

St Peter and St Paul's Church burial ground, Pettistree, Suffolk, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

26ClarkeRose Clarke1802301832id: Clarke Rose 037126622241
Stephen Clarke
Mary Clarke

27ClarkeStephen Clarke1825id: Clarke Stephen 039b126624201
Mary Clarke1840

28ClarkeStephen Clarke1825id: Clarke Stephen 039a126623201
Mary Clarke1773671840

29ClementsAgnes M Clements1893541947id: Clements Agnes M 023126625231
Alfred Clements1882691951

30ClementsHarry Clements1892791971id: Clements Harry 025b126626211
Jessie Clements1895891984

31ClementsHarry Clements1892791971id: Clements Harry 025a126627191
Jessie Clements1895891984

32ClementsMay E Clements1908821990id: Clements May E 016126628161

33ColeDenny Cole1717731790id: Cole Denny 179126629281

34CottonJames Cotton1809861895id: Cotton James 125126630281
Elizabeth Cotton1809841893
Susan Cotton1846491895

35CottonJonathan Cotton1824301854id: Cotton Jonathan 152126631181

36CrippsMarjorie Norah Cripps1929691998id: Cripps Marjorie Norah 078126632201

37CrippsSidney F N Cripps1926792005id: 077
(2 images)
Mildred Elizabeth Davies1915932008

38CrozierFrancis Rawdon Crozier1922812003id: Crozier Francis Rawdon 044126634261

39DaviesMildred Elizabeth Davies1915932008id: Davies Mildred Elizabeth 038126635231

40DowningHenry Downing1842341876id: Downing Henry 109126637221

41DrewHeriot Standbanks Drew1808851893id: Drew Heriot Standbanks 038126636591
Decimus Drew1823411864
Rebeccca Drew1818781896

42DykesPhilip Dykes1760791839id: Dykes Philip 041126638161
Philip Dykes1785681853
Fanny Dykes1788611849

43DykesPhilip Norman Dykes1813141827id: Dykes Philip Norman 040126639211Philip Norman Dykes, firstborn son of Philip Dykes Jr. and his wife, Fanny Norman, was born 4 Sept. 1812 in Pettistree, Suffolk and died in 1827 in Pettistree, at age 14. All four Dykes men on this plaque are brothers.
Francis Edward Dykes1822211843 Francis Edward Dykes, 3rd son of Philip Dykes Jr. and his wife Fanny Norman, was born on 13 Oct 1821 in Pettistree, Suffolk and he died in 1843 at age 21.
Philip wWilliam Dykes21 Philip William Dykes, son of Philip Dykes Jr. and his wife Fanny Norman, was born 20 Dec 1828, baptized 11 Jan 1929 in Pettistree, Suffolk and died Apr-Jun, 1850, also in Pettistree.
Thomas Arthur Dykes1815281843 Thomas Arthur Dykes was the second son of Philip Dykes Jr. and his wife Fanny Dykes. He was born 08 July, 1814 in Pettistree, Suffolk and he died there betw. Jan-Mar 1843 at age 28.

44FoxMary Elizabeth Fox1925621987id: Fox Mary Elizabeth 064126640251

45FrenchEdna Grace French1929581987id: French Edna Grace 060126641241

46FriendGeorge Friend1849751924id: Friend George 034126642311
Anna Friend1851841935

47FroomArthur Henry Froom1873911964id: Froom Arthur Henry 024126643221
Isabel Patricia Manners Froom1895831978

48GascoigneHumphrey Edward Crisp Gascoigne1914781992id: Gascoigne Humphrey Edward Crisp 054126644231
Elizabeth Sibell Sabel Gascoigne1918

49GibbsCharles Gibbs1811661877id: Gibbs Charles 097126645241

50GilliganMargaret Aline Gilligan1883891972id: Gilligan Margaret Aline 018126646151

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Peter and St Paul's Church burial ground, Pettistree, Suffolk, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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