Monument list for Capel (Anglian Section) Cemetery

Capel (Anglian Section) Cemetery, Capel, Western Australia, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AlcockAgnes Jean Alcock1922241946id: 6364
(2 images)
968522111Died 14th Jan 1946 , Aged 24 years.

2AndersonErnest Charles Anderson1903911994id: 6490
(5 images)
96857081Beloved Husband of Emma. Dearly loved Step-father of Jim (dec) and Frank and Father of Edna , Fay , Hazel and Dick. Passed away 14th May 1994. Aged 91 years.
Emma Lily Anderson1897931990 Beloved Wife of Ernest and Joseph Barrett (dec). Dearly loved Mother of Jim (dec) , Frank , Edna , Fay , Hazel and dick. Passed away 13th March 1990. Aged 93 years.

3AndersonGeorge Thomas Anderson1905771982id: 6830
(2 images)
96868971Our beloved Husband , Father and Grand-Father.
Elsie Joyce Anderson1916932009 Also his loved Wife , and our loved Mother and Grand-Mother. Parents of Jean , John and Doris.

4AttwoodLeslie George Attwood192431927id: 6374
(4 images)
968527131c.1924 - 17.08.1927. 3 years
Archbald Edwin Attwood1881651946 c.1881 -- 22.07.1946.

5AttwoodRose Fletcher Attwood1930732003id: 6362
(3 images)
9685211311.4.1930 - 24..2003. Dearly Loved Wife of Charlie. Very special Mum of Graham , John , richard , Janeen and Bradley
Charles Attwood1919902009 26.12.1919 - 1.11.2009. Dearly loved Husband of Rose. Very special Dad of Graham , John , richard , Janeen and Bradley.

6BabbSophia Babb1888391927id: 6755
(2 images)
96866071Loved Mother of Ken.

7BarrettVera May Barrett1900741974id: 6918
(2 images)
96872391Died 24th Sept 1974. Aged 74 years.Erected by her Husband and Family.
William George Barrett18921001992 Her beloved Husband. Died 29th May 1992. Aged 100 years.

8BentleyJames Levi Bentley1869921961id: 6694
(4 images)
96863781Died 4th Sept. 1961. aged 92 years
Constance Bentley1897151912 Died 17th Jan. 1912. aged 15 years.
Edward Oftus Bentley1895221917 And her Brother. Killed in action at Bullecourt 11th April 1917. Aged 22 years. Beloved Children of Levi and Emily Bentley.
Emily Bentley1871811952 Also his beloved Wife. Died 14th Feb. 1952. Aged 81 years

9BentleyMax Bentley1900811981id: 6878
(3 images)
96870981Beloved Husband of Doris. Loved Father of Noel and Beverley. Died 21st June 1981. Aged 81 years.
Doris Martha Bentley1816851901 Beloved Wife of Max. Loved Mother of Noel and Beverley. Died 9th April 1990. Aged 85 years.

10BentleyWinifred C C Bentley1893541947id: 6584
(3 images)
96860291Died 20th May 1947. Aged 54 years
Frank G Bentley1891841975 Died 27th Oct. 1975. aged 84 years.

11BlechyndenCatherine Eliza Blechynden1914841998id: 6824
(3 images)
96868781His beloved Wife and our Dear Mother Passed away 5th Oct. 1998. aged 84 yrs

12BlechyndenM G Blechynden1916711987id: 6824
(3 images)
96868671WX945. Private. 2/28 Infantry Battalion 29th June . Age 71. Dearly Husband of Kit , Devoted Father of Terry , Sally and Dixie.

13BruceAda Bruce1887881975id: 6444
(3 images)
968551111Beloved wife of Arthur (dec). Loved Mother of Arthur , Clarence , Doreen , Ethel , Gwen , Sylvia , Beat , Cecil , Keith , Ron , and Thelma. Born 1887. Died 27th March 1975.

14BuddLez Ashley Buddid: 6360
(2 images)

15CampbellEdwin Roland Campbell1903911994id: 6474
(3 images)
96856314119.4.1903 - 8.3.1994. Loved Mother and Father of Joan , Rose , Dawn and Peta.
Alice Elizabeth Campbell1905921997 10.5.1905 - 1.2.1997. Loved Mother and Father of Joan , Rose , Dawn and Peta.

16CarruthersIris Pearl Carruthers1913511964id: 6639
(3 images)
968619111c.1913 - 19.12.1964. 51 years.
Charles William Carruthers1908801988 4.12.1908 - 25.8.1988. 79 years.

17CarterGeoffrey Norman Carter1980-241956id: 6868
(4 images)
96870571Dearly loved Son of Snow and Dot Carter. Loved Brother of Nev (dec) , Cyril , Trevor , Jim and Karen. Born 9-12-56. Accidentally killed 8-8-80.

18CarterNeville Stewart Carter1958171975id: 6898
(2 images)
968715101Dearly loved Son of Snow and Dot Carter. Loved Brother pf Geoff , Cyril , Trev , Jim and Karen. Born 8-2-1958 , Died result of accident 10-1o-1975

19CarterNorman Sydney Carter1932611993id: 6868
(4 images)
96870621Dearly loved Husband of Dot. Loved Father of Geoff (dec) , Nev (dec) , Cytil , Trev , Jim , Karen and Family. Born 4.12.1932. Accidentally killed 22.2.1993.

20CarterStella Carter1911851996id: 6891
(2 images)
9687138122-1-1911 - 21-3-1996. Loving Parents of Beryl , Cyril , Snow , Shirley , Jim , Stella , Ian , Bob and Ross.
Beryl Jean Reekie1930832013 5.2.1930 -17.7.2013. Loving Wife , Mother and Nan
Tim Carter1908891997 31-10-1908 - 22-9-1997.
William Reekie1933802013 29.3.1933 - 5.5.2013. Father of Anne , Dawn , James , Martin and Stephen. Grandfather and Great Grandfather.

21CarterTravis Bradley Carter197341977id: 6896
(2 images)
96871451Accidentaly Killed. 26-3-1977. Aged 4 years. Darling son of Ross and Marie.

22ChapmanDavid John Chapman1890691959id: 6910
(2 images)
96872071My dear Husband. Died 25th ct. 1959. Aged 69 years.

23ChapmanGrace Elizabeth Chapman1879491928id: 6848
(2 images)
96869671c.1879 - 23.7.1928. 48 years.

24ChristmasLionel Charles Christmas1884831967id: 6731
(2 images)
968650411884 - 1967. Dearest friend of the Ken Prowse Families. 10th A.L.H. 11th coy. DIP. Camel Cops.

25CoxRonald Sydney Cox1936642000id: 6346
(3 images)
96851391Dearly loved Husband of Florence Loving Father of William , Bruce and Anthea. 2.5.1936 - 3.3.2000

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Capel (Anglian Section) Cemetery, Capel, Western Australia, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 6271 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 14 February 2024.

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