Monument list for St Paul (Preston Old Road) Church burial ground

St Paul (Preston Old Road)'s Church burial ground, Marton, Lancashire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

26BraithwaiteLouisa Braithwaite1860821942id: 1019967302121
George Braithwaite1861841945

27CardwellAbraham Cardwell1832731905id: 102967285121
Mary Cardwell1822831905

28CardwellAgnes Cardwell1842561898id: 1025967308111
Alice Cardwell1869101879
Alice Cardwell1873631936
Elizabeth Ellen Cardwell1875381913
James Cardwell1842611903
Susannah Cardwell1852891941 Second wife of James Cardwell.
John James Cardwell1883541937
Robert Cardwell1820521872

29CardwellAlice Cardwell1853801933id: 103967286141
Thomas Fenton1874791953

30CardwellBetty Cardwell1856671923id: 1055967337131
Elizabeth Grace Cardwell1891811972
Jennet Ellen Johnson1888771965
Amy Cardwell Died in infancy
Kathleen Cardwell Died in infancy
Thomas Cardwell1862631925
George Cardwell190111902

31CardwellCornelius Cardwell1867731940id: 107967290201
Betsy 1893201913
Ellen 1891831974
Mary Cardwell1869381907

32CardwellF J Cardwell1897211918id: 1027967310121A.S.C. Died in Norwich Military Hospital
John Cardwell
Clara Beatrice Cardwell1871551926

33CardwellJennett Cardwell1844781922id: 1068967349171
William Cardwell1848821930

34CardwellMargaret Alice Cardwell1865721937id: 1010967293141
Edward Cardwell191011911 Only son of William and Alice Cardwell
Edward Cardwell1863771940
Edward Cardwell Died in infancy
Fred Cardwell1899201919 Killed in action in Russia

35CardwellRobert Cardwell1856731929id: 1047967330101
Elizabeth Whiteside1883541937
Thomas Cardwell Butler1881691950
Elizabeth Cardwell1858801938

36CardwellRobert Cardwell1866691935id: 1048967331171
Jane Cardwell1869731942

37CardwellRobert Cardwell1865661931id: 1050967333171
Jane Park1903361939
James Park193721939
James Cardwell189751902
William Park
Isabella Cardwell1871701941

38CardwellRobert Cardwell1855461901id: 1051967334101
Alfred Cowen Cardwell1897321929
Oscar Cardwell1883551938
Philip John Cardwell1891261917 Killed in Action (YPRES) surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

39CardwellRobert Cardwell1854631917id: 1049967332151
Jenny Cardwell1850681918

40CardwellThomas Cardwell1863621925id: 1057967339121
Henry Cardwell1889281917 Killed in Action in France
Thomas Cardwell1904441948
William Cardwell1897211918
Emma Cardwell1864851949

41CartmellElsie Cartmell1886481934id: 1016967299131
Ernest Cartmell1891501941

42CartmellMary Jane Cartmell1890771967id: 1069967350121
William Cartmell1902931995

43CartmellSarah Cartmell1910id: 1020967303161
George Cartmell1873711944
Mary Newton Cartmell1878441922

44CartmellThurza Josephine Cartmell1891621953id: 1042967325181
Procter Cartmell1883801963

45CrookallWilliam Crookall1863691932id: 1072967351201
Ada Annie Crookall1901811982
Arnold Parker Crookall1898531951
Ellen Crookall1867751942

46EavesEmma Eaves1929id: 1054967336131
Evelyn Frances Breckell1942
Renee Eaves1977
Thomas Eaves1945

47EavesHarriett A Eaves1900221922id: 1064967345101
Thomas Eaves1873751948
Elizabeth Ann Eaves1879791958
John Eaves1901471948

48EavesWilliam Eaves1832731905no image967352171
Mary Eaves Rest of headstone not readable
Robert Eaves1862441906
Margaret Eaves1834831917

49FentonJames Fenton1826771903id: 1026967309141
Jane Fenton1829331862
Elizabeth Fenton1828751903

50HallJohn Hall1839741913id: 1031967314221
Eliza Hall1842821924

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Paul (Preston Old Road)'s Church burial ground, Marton, Lancashire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 09 January 2024.

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