Monument list for St Saviour Church burial ground

St Saviour's Church burial ground, Ringley, Lancashire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

51FieldingAnn Fielding1864711935id: rss43828163131
Greenwood Fielding1864791943

52FieldingJoseph Fielding1831591890id: rss45828165191
Elizabeth Fielding1832841916

53FishRichard Fish1724471771id: rss3828123121
Mary Riley1753601813 Wife of Charles Riley.
Alice Fish Riley7
James Fish1750 aged 11 months.
Charles Riley
Betty Fish1716651781

54FishThomas Fish1867611928id: rss111828231221
Sarah Ellen Fish1869701939

55FletcherJohn Fletcher1682id: rss6828126151
Ann Allen1740721812 Widow of John Allen.
John Allen1717811798

56FletcherSamuel Fletcher1888551943id: rss118828238231
Edith Fletcher1892551947

57FoxClara Fox187911880id: rss159828279151
Herbert Fox1882161898
Squire Fox1836821918
Rachel Fox1838771915
Sarah Fox1865281893

58FoxRobert Fox1841811922id: rss179828299171
Mary Alice Fox1887 aged 3 months.
Joseph Fox
Robert Fox
Stephen Fox
Sarah Fox1840351875
Emma Fox1851371888

59GallowayJames Galloway1790611851id: rss23828143161
Rachel Galloway

60GloverMary Glover1890551945id: rss175828295141Wife of John Glover.
John Glover
Elizabeth Glover1900591959 2nd wife of John Glover

61GoodwinPeter Goodwin1786id: rss7828127171aged 4 weeks. Son of Samuel and Sally Goodwin.
James Goodwin178831791
Peter Goodwin1790 aged 6 weeks.
Samuel Goodwin179911800
Samuel Goodwin
Sally Goodwin
Betty Goodwin1797 aged 2 days.
Betty Goodwin1798 aged 2 months.
Jenny Goodwin1797 aged 2 days.

62GreenhalghPeter Greenhalgh1796741870id: rss76828196201
Mary Greenhalgh1792801872
Martha Greenhalgh1828571885 Wife of Thomas Greenhalgh.
Thomas Greenhalgh1824611885
Annie Royle1885161901 Daughter of James and Sarah Hannah Royle.
James Royle
Sarah Hannah Royle surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

63GregoryGeorge Gregory1904861990id: rss122828242211

64GrimeJohn Grime1844651909id: rss87828207251
Joshua Grime1872211893
Thomas Grime1877761953
Rachel Grime1847711918

65GrimeJoshua Grime189321895id: rss85828205221
Alfred Grime189261898
William Grime1870611931
Ruth Grime1871581929
Alice Grime1899841983

66GrimeTerence John Grime1944161960id: rss185
(2 images)
John Grime1881531934 Husband of Vera Grime
Vera Grime

67GrineJoshua Grine1843251868id: rss92828212181
Mary Alice Grine Aged 7 weeks. Died 12th Feb.
Betty Cross Wife of John Cross.
John Cross
Elizabeth Openshaw1811701881

68GrundyJames Grundy1837531890id: rss54828174201
Ann Grundy1843471890

69GrundyMartha Ann Grundy1859id: rss55828175181aged 8 months.
John Grundy1864511915
Richard Grundy
William Grundy186511866
John Grundy1834741908
Hannah Grundy1836391875 An infant son , Richard , is also mentioned.

70GrundyRobert Grundy1831411872id: rss105828225301

71HallJohn Hall1831811912id: rss168828288151
Ann Hall
Margaret Hall died 18th July.
William Hall
Frances Hall1827931920

72HallMaria Hall1895id: rss171828291141aged 3 weeks.

73HallWilliam Hall1867741941id: rss116828236141Husband of Annie Hall.
Annie Hall

74HallidayJohn Halliday1882531935id: rss172828292211
Sarah Ann Halliday1881691950

75HallowsThomas Hallows1839691908id: rss152828272181
Sarah Jane Hallows1883 aged 10 weeks.
Alice Smith
Frank Smith191031913 Son of Walter and Alice Smith.
Walter Smith
Sarah Hallows1842451887

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Saviour's Church burial ground, Ringley, Lancashire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 10 May 2020.

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