Monument list for West (section M) Cemetery

West (section M) Cemetery, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

101MeldrumJames Meldrum1908491957id: 5113772587231
Alexander Mackay1887721959
Janet Paton1891941985
Anna B Mackay1911461957

102MichieHarry Michie1902591961id: 5148772616261
Catherine Mcleod Urquhart1907831990

103MitchellJohn Methven Mitchell1959id: 5139772609261
Ruth Patrick1885901975

104MurrayRobert Shaw Murray1876751951id: 5169
(3 images)
Margaret Mcintyre Fletcher1898791977
James Murray1903731976
John Murray
Margaret Salmond1870871957

105MurrayWilliam Alexander Murray1867881955id: 5236772688191

106MurrayWilliam James Ross Murray1897621959id: 5140772610231
Daisy Clark Gibb1926902016
Patricia Janet Murray1962
Colin James Murray1962
William James R Murray1927772004
Janet Margaret Tod Smith1900791979

107MylesRobert Myles1963id: 5122772593151
Agnes Bisset Myles1910681978

108NapierEliza Napier1961id: 5190772648231
Mary E Skeldon1996
Robert Munro Skeldon1959

109NicholsonRobert Nicholson1907551962id: 5194772652251
Margaret Kirk1921771998
Daisy Kinsman1907661973

110NivenAlexander Stuart Niven1905571962id: 5151772619221
Thomas Dewar Niven1928541982
Ann Mcleod1904861990

111OrrOswald Scott Orr1872761948id: 5212
(2 images)
Susanna Alice Orr1872871959

112PedersonIngrid Pederson1928331961id: 5223772679251
Nigel Fuller1928651993

113PettigrewArabella Hetherington Pettigrew1961id: 5184772643241

114PettigrewJames M Pettigrew1961id: 5198
(2 images)
772656161age 4 months
James Pettigrew1912841996

115RankineAnn Rankine1960id: 5142772612291
George Young James Mcnab1980
Helen Young1998

116RedfordJoseph S Redford1894671961id: 5155772623261
Lizzie Forbes1917641981

117ReidAlexander Reid1962id: 5193772651191
Madge Kirkaldy1978

118ReidAndrew S Reid1954id: 5260772706161
Angus F Reid1999
Annie K R Reid1983

119RitchieHenry Graham Ritchie1878651943id: 5264772709221
Eva Anderson Ritchie1906361942
Agnes Lamond Thomson1878791957 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

120RobertsonGeorge Robertson1950id: 5102772577231
Margaret M Petrie1970

121RobertsonJohn Robertsonid: 5163772629301

122RodgerJane Rodger1883671950id: 5256772702241
William Murray Marshall1891621953

123RossBetty Ross1921902011id: 5088772565211
Stewart Ross

124RutherfordE Addison Rutherford1883621945id: 5093772569291
John Wood1874731947

125ScottJames Scott1862821944id: 5270772715151
Sophia Dorothy Scott1896831979
Eleanor Jackson1890821972
James L Hunter Scott1922751997
Alfred George Scott1893821975
Jane Millar1864821946

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for West (section M) Cemetery, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is KY16 9NG - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 02 May 2019.

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