Monument list for Balmoral (section 19) Cemetery

Balmoral (section 19) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

51SinnamonJames Sinnamon1860881948id: 9846
(2 images)
37069141Died 28th Dec 1948

52SkinnerAmos William John Skinner1867761943id: 9786
(2 images)
37066761My dear Husband and our father. Died25th June 1943
Margaret Jane Skinner1870931963 Also his Wife and our mother. Died 14th Dec 1963

53SmalasHugo Smalas1880661946id: 9752
(2 images)
37065651My dear husband and our father. Died 12th Feb 1946
Emily Smalas1888721960 His beloved wife and our mother. Died 22nd May 1960

54SnowJohn Snow1947id: 9756
(2 images)
Elsie Snow1969 11.7.1969

55SteeleEdith Steele1871711942id: 9866
(2 images)
37069751Died 13th Sept 1942
Henry Steele1871731944 Died 8th April 1944

56StokesJohn Edward Stokesid: 9754
(2 images)
Emma Grace Stokes

57SylvesterElizabeth Ann Sylvester1875671942id: 9701
(2 images)
37063491Died 31st Jan 1942
Thomas Henry Sylvester1864851949 Died 23rd July 1949

58TedfordEdith Evelyn Tedford1913291942id: 9696
(3 images)
37063271My dear wife and my mother Died 6th Sep 1942

59ThompsonJ K Thompson1916331949id: 9805
(2 images)
37067471Service No. Q61735. Army Canteens service. 14th February 1949. Dearly loved by wife and sons Kenneth; Keith; John

60ThomsonHenry Thomson1873741947id: 9792
(2 images)
37067091My dear husband and our father. Died 4th June 1947
Richard Bland Telford1900721972 Died 7th Sept 1972
Louisa Thomson1878801958 Also our dear mother. Died 3rd March 1958

61ToyneBen Toyne1876761952id: 9763
(5 images)
370661121Our loving father. Died 30th April 1952
Charles William Taylor1897681965 My dear husband and our father. Died 27.4.1965
Lucy Taylor1906671973 Passed away 24.9.1973
Ellen Toyne1876671943 My dear wife. Died 25th Feb 1943

62TullyAlfred George Tully1883661949id: 9736
(2 images)
37064891Our dear father Reg: No.989 31st Batt. 1st A.I.F.. Deid 8th Aug 1949
May Tully1882771959 Our dear mother. Died 28th June 1959

63UhlmannMary Uhlmann1869741943id: 9862
(2 images)
370695161Died 4th July 1943
Kathleen Uhlmann1915841999 Died 29th May 1999
Joseph Uhlmann1867801947 Died 8th Nov 1947
Arthur Uhlmann1904881992 Died 29th July 1992

64WaldieSydney A Waldie1882631945id: 9770
(2 images)
37066361My dear husband and our father. Died 12th April 1945
Lillian Waldie1887781965 Our dear mother and his loving wife. Died 26th December 1965

65WarwickFrederick Warwick1888611949id: 9808
(2 images)
37067561Died 18th Jan 1949
Ivy Warwick1900791979 And his wife. Died 20th Nov. 1979

66WheatMay Elizabeth Wheat1942id: 9694
(2 images)
370631221Died 14th Aug 1942

67WhiteEdward James White1944id: 9768
(2 images)
370662111My dear husband. Died 20th April 1944

68WilliamsEvan Thomas Williams1879681947id: 9832
(3 images)
37068591My dear husband. Died 21.8.1947
Hazell Mary Williams1911621973 Beloved daughter. Died 29.9.1973
Evan Vernon Williams1911471958 And son. Died 13.7.1956
Eleanor Williams1882881970 Also his dear wife. Died 15.11.1970

69WillisGeorge Willis1871761947id: 9835
(2 images)
370686111Died 14th Dec 1947

70WilsonGeorge Henry Wilson1906431949id: 9728
(2 images)
37064571My dear husband and our father. Died 14th Feb 1949

71YoungerEmily Maggie Younger1893491942id: 9703
(2 images)
370635111My dear wife and our mother. Died 6.8.1942

72ZohnJohn C Zohn1872701942id: 9710
(2 images)
370637181Died 11th Sep 1942
Rose A Zohn1885621947 Died 25th July 1947

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Balmoral (section 19) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 4171 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 17 January 2014.

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