Monument list for New Parisian Cemetery

New Parisian Cemetery, St Ouen, Seine Saint Denis, France

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

26GuépinAlphonse Guépin1871461917id: SONGuépin336994191
Clémentine Guépin1874701944

27HériotJoséphine Hériot1868id: SONHériot1
(4 images)
Marius Hériot1858621920
Marie Joséphine Moussion1830731903

28HernandezJean (?) Hernandez1918id: SONHernandez1
(3 images)
33700981Killed in action

29HubertMarguerite Hubert1894361930id: SONHubertMG33694961
Georges Hubert1882851967
Georgette Hubert1913331946

30JacquetMarie-antoinette Jacquetid: SONJacquet1
(2 images)
Félicité Denis1860471907
Alexandrine Jacquet1861591920
Alexis Jacquet
Mia Jacquet1860581918

31LaurieVictor Laurie1820711891id: SONLaurie336957111
Louis Courret1842651907
Marthe Courret1855691924
Félicia Laurie1827791906
Gustave Lenoir1849781927

32LefevreFernand Lefevre188471891id: SONLefevre1
(3 images)
Marie Desrosier1858711929
Angele Lefevre1860491909
Louis Papin1883491932
Bernard Pozemc1930441974
Jacqueline Pozemc1896881984
Jacques Pozemc1988
Marceau Pozemc1893891982
Jean Thomas

33LemoineGustave Lemoine1902321934id: SONLemoineGustave33700191Pilot who broke the world altitude record in 1933. Died in an accident at Pozières in the Somme.

34LeviHenri Levi1886291915id: SONMorgoulis1
(4 images)
33696781Killed in action
Albert Levi1854911945
Louise Levi-Lampromonti1864831947
Adrien Morgoulis1987
Cyrille Morgoulis1910231933
Michel Morgoulis1872701942
Paul Morgoulis1906841990
Suzanne Morgoulis1884631947

35LogeardPerjus Logeard1863431906id: SONLogeard33698661
Henri Logeard1890261916 Killed in action with the 7th Btn of the Hunters Infantry regt at Sailly-Saillisel in the Somme

36LorynBerthe Marguerite Loryn1908id: SONLoryn33696891

37LucasMaurice Lucas1897201917id: SONLucasMaurice33696161Killed in action with the 33rd Regt

38LureauAmédée Lureau1850551905id: SONLureau336975111
(widow) Lureau1851801931
Jeanne Lureau1881241905
Claire Martinie1885691954
(widow) Winter1877791956
Andrée Winter1887811968
Edouard Winter1860791939

39MarchalCharles Francis Marchal1849651914id: SONMarchal33700261Vice-president of the local council. Died in Algiers.

40MarcusAdelina Marcus1852621914id: SONMarcus33698961
François Marcus1852741926
Louis Marcus24 Killed in action surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

41MartinEdmond Martin1871411912id: SONIvanoski336956121
A Ivanoski1887571944
M Ivanoski1900471947

42MereJeanne Mere1873311904id: SONCieux336952191
Céline Cieux1850871937
Léon Cieux1843751918

43MirzaMarga Mirza1871461917id: SONVorperian1
(2 images)
Baroutioun Vorperian1901801981
Marie Vorperian1879921971
Robert Vorperian1874571931

44NowosielskiFélicien Nowosielski1810891899id: SONNowosielski1
(2 images)
Marguerite Devajre1824751899
Berthe Mathilde Fenn1865441909
Pauline Marguerite Nowosielski1858541912
René Nowosielski1886221908
Marie Cloé Nowosielski1819811900

45PatteAnice Patte1876801956id: SONPatte1
(2 images)
A Laguens1856861942
Jeanne Patte1882491931

46PerdrizetMarthe Perdrizet1858711929id: SONPerdrizet33698281
Eugéne Perdrizet1850851935

47PithonMarie Pithon1863371900id: SONPithon33697381

48PottierGaston Pottier1864541918id: SONPottier33699291
Louise Bal1917371954
Henriette Pottier1865601925

49PriouxMarie Louise Prioux1903281931id: SONPrioux33695071
Arsène Prioux1869671936
Hélène Prioux1870811951

50RobertRachel Robert1885471932id: SONRobertJules33700671
Jules Robert1871721943 Chief engineer

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for New Parisian Cemetery, St Ouen, Seine Saint Denis, France.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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