Monument list for Balmoral (section 11) Cemetery

Balmoral (section 11) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AbrahamJabez Abraham1858501908id: 8519
(6 images)
326428161Died Feb 2nd 1908. Erected by his friends and comrades
Enid Ruth Abraham1897841981 Beloved wife of Eric Kingsley Abraham. Born 29.9.1897. Died 5.2.1981
Dallas Kingsley Bridge1957492006 17.10.1957 - 26.04.2006. The music never ends Grandson of Eric and Enid Abraham
Eric K Abraham18981052003

2AllenAlice Elsie Allen1893151908id: 8487
(2 images)
326418211Died June 21st 1908
Allen1940 5.8.1940. Vet T'wong (Toowong)
Doris Alice Allen1916 25.5.1916 Council records

3AndersonAlice Merence Anderson1894501944id: 8558
(2 images)
326444121Died 26th 1944
Marion Ball1869831952 My dear wife; our mother; grandmother and great grandmother. Died March 20th 1952

4BairdWilliam Baird1845661911id: 8180
(2 images)
326354181Died Aug 7th 1911

5BairdWilliam Baird1845661911id: 8185
(2 images)

6BarrThomas Barr1898131911id: 8157326344271
Thomas Barr1864771941
Charlotte Barr1876611937

7BatesElizabeth Smith Bates1943id: 8593
(2 images)
Elvina Charlton MacDonald1963

8BeattieAlice Beattie1874381912id: 8194
(3 images)
326360221Erected by her loving father
Thomas Beattie1897191916 Killed in action in France. Suscribed by his loving sister Martha.

9BeattieHarold Beattie190831911id: 8197
(2 images)
326361341Accidently killed 15th May 1911. Aged 3 years and 8 months.
Annie Rose Beattie1875731948 Died 185th Dec 1948
Ruby Beattie1911461957 Died 5th July 1957

10BedfordAlbert Ernest Bedford191211913id: 8169
(2 images)
Thelma May Bedford1919411960

11BeetLucelle Selina Beet1848611909id: 8305
(4 images)
326378111Beloved wife of Joseph F Beet
Joseph Frederick Beet1853921945 Died 9th April 1945

12BellEdith Caroline Bellid: 8182
(3 images)
326355221Died 12th Aug 1911. Aged 1 year and 11 months

13BerglindRobert Berglind1921221943id: 8607
(2 images)
3264621316th Oct 1943

14BestThomas Best1860551915id: 8086
(2 images)
Hannah Best1875761951

15BrennanHerbert Brennan1910401950id: 8074
(7 images)
Grandma 1879851964
Mary Ellen Brennan1829841913 Granny
Robert Brennan1875481923 48 yrs and 10 mths

16BrennanMargarita Brennan1920812001id: 8678
(2 images)
3264831119.1.1920 - 10.4.2001

17BrentnallElizabeth Brentnall1830791909id: 8312
(5 images)
326379101Wife of Hon. F.T. Brentnall M.L.C. Born at Mansfield; England 18th September 1830. Died at Coorparoo 30th April 1909
Frederick Thomas Brentnall1834911925 Member of the Legislative Council of Queensland for 33 years. Born at Riddings; Derbyshire; England 17th June 1834. Died at his residence; Eastleigh; Coorparoo; Brisbane 11th January 1925
E B Harris1918 14 Fld. Artillery Brigade. Service Number 1915. 24th November 1918

18BriggsRichard H Briggs1887251912id: 8150
(2 images)
326340251Son of Webster Briggs
Webster Briggs
Emma Jane Briggs1846781924 Wife of Webster Briggs

19BrodieElizabeth Douther Brodie1895491944id: 8564
(2 images)
326446221Died 23rd

20BrodieWilliam Brodie1896541950id: 8564
(2 images)
326447151Died 4-4-1950

21BuckleyRoyal Clement Buckley1896161912id: 8511
(2 images)
326424161Died 16th March 1912

22ButterworthBaby Butterworth1913id: 8222
(3 images)
Eva Butterworth1887771964
Frederick Butterworth1882961978

23CalvertBessie Calvert1902201922id: 8437
(2 images)
326400171Died 26th Sept 1922
William Calvert1865691934 My dear husband. Died 29th Oct 1934

24CameronLeslie Cameron1914761990id: 8633
(4 images)
326470111Born 18.3.1914 - 10.2.1990
Elizabeth Ann Williams1885811966 Died 23rd July 1966
Gladys May Cameron1917811998 Born 23.5.1917 - 4.8.1998 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

25ChalkE L Chalk1838701908id: 8463
(2 images)
326410111Wife of Thos. Chalk of Belmont. May 13th 1908

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Balmoral (section 11) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 4171 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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