Monument list for Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery

Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

51PortHannah N Plint Port1874281902id: 9511
(4 images)
326254141Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Port. Died 12th Nov 1902
Thomas Clifton Port1917 Died 11th June 1917
Elizabeth Sarah Port1913 Died 3rd Nov 1913

52PorterAlice Edith Porter1900id: 9492
(6 images)
326248141Who died 4th Sept 1900 at Corio; Kangaroo Point
Mary Constance Porter1934 Who died at Corio; Kangaroo Point. 11th Sept 1934
Robert Porter1825771902 Who died at Corio; Kangaroo Point. May 22nd 1902
Sarah Porter1826831909 Wife of Robert Porter. Who died at Corio; Kangaroo Point 14th March 1909

53PostgateAlice Postgate1876341910id: 9624
(2 images)
326295111Beloved wife of Webster Postgate. Died 26th Sept 1910
Webster Postgate
Richard Postgate1901 Son of the above. Died 7th April 1901. Aged 1 week.

54PowlesCharles Powles1855631918id: 9604
(4 images)
326288121Who departed this life October 21st 1918. Erected by his loving wife Marion Powles
Ann Biddiscombe1839611900 Who died August 7th 1900. Erected by her loving daughter Marion Powles
Marion Powles

55PriestlyLloyd Ronald Douglas Priestly1919191938id: 9687
(2 images)
326313101Died 7th September 1938
May Priestly1885591944 Also his dear mother. Died 12th May 1944

56RaseyRosina Sarah Rasey1861771938id: 9595
(2 images)
32628571Passed away 30th Dec 1938

57RossiterAbel Rossiter1829611890id: 9531
(2 images)
326260161Died June 14th 1890
Priscilla Coward1815811896 Died June 3rd 1896
Mary Rossiter1826651891 Died June 7th 1891

58SkinnerCharles William Skinner1898id: 9501
(3 images)
326251111Who died Oct 30th 1898

59SmithMatilda Esther Smith1878601938id: 9670
(2 images)
326305141Nee Tilly Dibley. Devoted wife of William Boyd Smith. Died 20th July 1938. Erected by Harvey; Grace and Dad
William Boyd Smith

60SpenceAnn Spence1827751902id: 9561
(4 images)
32627071Our dear parents. Died 30th Oct 1902
James Spence1825881913 Died 18th Sept 1913

61SpenceJohn J Spence1866811947id: 9561
(4 images)
32626981My dear husband and our father. Died 13th Dec 1947
Louisa Spence1867891956 Beloved wife of the above. Died 27th Dec 1956

62StrelowEdith Maud Strelow1892531945id: 9575
(2 images)
32627671My beloved wife and our dear mother. Died 5th April 1945

63TimminsO Timminsid: 9504
(2 images)
A Timmins
M Timmins

64WalterMaria Magdalena Walter1859411900id: 9497
(2 images)
326249151Our dear mother. Died 2nd July 1900
Friedrick Theodore Walter1854751929 Our dear father. Died 3rd Feb 1929

65WilkeAlbert A Wilke1856771933id: 9571
(2 images)
32627451My dear husband and our father. Died 18th Aug 1933
Luise Emilie Wilke1865821947 Our dear mother. Died 25th July 1947

66WishartGertrude Wishart1890481938id: 9666
(2 images)
326303101Died 6th May 1938
Herbert A Wishart1962 Died 3rd Feb 1962

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 4171 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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