Monument list for Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery

Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AllendorfAugust Philip Allendorf1909121921id: 9541
(2 images)
32626451Our dear brother. Died 18th Aug 1921
Elizabeth Allendorf1867811948 Our dear mother. Died 28th Sept 1948

2BaldwinDaniel Baldwin1834551889id: 9547
(6 images)
326266151Who died 25th Jan 1889
Amelia Baldwin1859101869 Daughter of Daniel and Ann Baldwin. Died 29th July 1869
Ann Baldwin1833721905 Relict of Daniel Baldwin. Died 25th November 1905

3BeckWilliam James Beck1867801947id: 9679
(2 images)
32630924124.04.1867 - 11.03.1947. Parents of Charles and Annie
Annie May Hurley1911982009 14.08.1911 - 12.12.2009. Wife of Ernest Gabriel Hurley
Charles Beck1912261938 10.10.1912 - 25.05.1938
Ernest Gabriel Hurley1909841993 20.11.1909 - 10.04.1993. Cremated at Buderim. Ashes scattered Moreton Bay
Sarah Beck18701021972 27.03.1870 - 21.05.1973. Parents of Charles and Annie

4BlackEmily Grace Black1866721938id: 9677
(2 images)
326308111Departed this life 12th May 1938
William A Black1866761942 Died 7th Sept 1942. Interred Wondai Cemetery husband of Emily Grace Black

5BlaikJohn Blaik1831851916id: 9499
(3 images)
326250151The beloved husband of Agnes Blaik. Died 6th March 1916
James Blaik1854771931 Died 28th July 1931
Agnes Blaik

6BluntMargaret A Blunt1873331906id: 9567
(2 images)
32627281Died 12th August 1906

7BriscoeMinnie May Briscoe1886521938id: 9683
(2 images)
326311101Who departed this life May 18th 1938

8BrownEva Brown1862761938id: 9675
(2 images)
326307221Died 27th June 1938
Edmund Brown1861831944 Died 27th Feb 1944

9BurnsJames D Burns1905591964id: 9609
(2 images)
32628971My dear husband and son. Died 29.8.64
Donald E Burns1933 Died 13.2.33 Aged 4 days
Hazel Burns1901721973 Died 22.11.1973

10CalvertWilliam E W Calvert1925131938id: 9648
(2 images)
326301671Died 4th May 1938
William K Calvert1899501949 Also my beloved husband. Father of the above. Died 25th July 1949

11ChapmanAndrew Edward Chapman1856651921id: 9536
(2 images)
326261121Born 12th May 1856. Died 24th June 1921
Harry Chapman Also their son
Margaret Catherine Chapman1859621921 Born 28th July 1859. Died 30th August 1921

12CleggLilian Joyce Clegg1904id: 9635
(7 images)
326299151Dau of Wilfred and Edith. Born 20th November 1903 at bulimba. Died 21st January 1904. Aged 2 months
Harold Fearnley Cleeg191411915 Son of Wilfred and Edith. Born 26th November 1914 at Bulimba. Died 15th June 1915 aged 6 months
Allan Shillington Clegg1911912002 Son of Wilfred and Edith. Born 29th September 1911 at Princess St.; Bulimba. Died 20th December 2002 at Dalby. QX142062/26th Btn A.I.F.
Arthur Cecil Clegg190501905 Son of Wilfred and Rdith. Born 19th March 1905 at Bulimba. Died 10th September 1905. Aged 5 months
Wilfred Clegg
Edith Jane Clegg1881381919 Beloved wife of Wilfred Clegg. Born 8th November 1881 at Bulimba. Dau of James Johnston and Elizabeth Crouch. Died of influenza 4th July 1919
Gordon Alexander Priestly1916821998 Leading Aircraftsman; 548 and 549 Spitfire squadrons. Service No. 77460 Much loved husband; father; grandfather and great grandfather. Born 31 August 1916; Died 10 April 1998
Mabel Elizabeth Priestly1917912008 Wife of Gordon. Much loved wife; mother; grandmother and great grandmother. Born - 16 July 1917 - Died 7 March 2008

13CopeArthur George Cope188621888id: 9565
(2 images)
326271131Died 18th Oct 1888. Aged 2 years and 9 months
Albert James Cope1884121896 Died 20th Sept 1896. Aged 12 years and 8 months
W J Cope
Janet Cope1856701926 Mother of the above and dearly beloved wife of W.J. Cope. Died 25th August 1926

14CopeReginald Cope1895221917id: 9569
(2 images)
326273101Killed at Polygon Wood France on 25th Sep 1917
William Josepn Cope1856721928 Died 14th Jan 1928

15CullumJames Arthur Cullum1877721949id: 9537
(2 images)
326262151Died 29th June 1949
Florence Cullum1878881966 Died 16th Oct 1966

16DahoodRosey Dahood1863821945id: 9579
(2 images)
32627861Died 12th Oct 1945

17DawFrederick Sidney Daw1895641959id: 9577
(2 images)
Frederick Sidney Ludford Daw1927171944

18DeboAnthony Debo1856901946id: 9584
(2 images)
326280121Our dear uncle. Died 2nd April 1946

19DobbieCharles Johnson Dobbie1871641935id: 9615
(2 images)
326292111Born Glasgow; Scotland. Died 26th Jan 1935
Janet Dobbie1870901960 Born Airdrie; Scotland. Died 25th Nov. 1960

20EldridgeDouglas Leonard Eldridge1918201938id: 9681
(2 images)
326310161Died 21st July 1938 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

21EneverIsabella Enever1843471890id: 9527
(2 images)
326259121Wife of Thomas Enever. Died 30th Jan 1890
Mary Ann Enever1869241893 Died 20th Dec 1893
Thomas Enever1831771908 Died 20th Oct 1908
Thomas William Enever1863931956 Died 29th Sept 1956
John Enever1874191893 Died 19th Dec 1893
Philip Enever1882201902 Died 5th Nov 1902. Aged 20 years and 11 months

22FitzgibbonAgnes Fitzgibbon1861321893id: 9602
(2 images)
326287101The beloved wife of George Ftizgibbon. Died 3rd Nov. 1893
Mary Lillian Fitzgibbon188851893 Daughter of the above. Died 21st July 1893
George Fitzgibbon1865831948 Loving husband of above. Died 24th Sept 1948

23GaileyRichard Gaileyid: 9621
(4 images)
Alina Gailey193171938 Daughter of Dan and Grace Gailey. Died Aug 9th 1938
Dan Gailey
Grace Gailey
Lilliam May Gailey190271909 Daughter of Richard and Alina Gailey. Died May 24th 1909
Alina Gailey

24GehrmanVictor F Gehrman1938id: 9673
(2 images)
32630691Died 10-8-1938
Ernest B Gehrman1948 Died 29-11-1948

25GodfreyAlice Godfrey1884611945id: 9591
(2 images)
326283111My dear wife; our mother and Nana. Died April 17th 1945
Walter Godfrey1876711947 Also our dear father.

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 4171 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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