Monument list for St Peter and St Mary Church burial ground

St Peter and St Mary's Church burial ground, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1Elizabeth 1711id: 10527493741

2John 1691791770id: 122
(2 images)

3Samuel? id: 8274898131

4AdamsHenry Adamsid: 5527492471

5B?rthJohn B?rth1841id: 60
(2 images)
Elizabeth B?rth

6BallsFrank William Balls1894241918id: 20274908613rd Battalion Suffolk Regiment attached to the Royal Air Force who died at Alexandria Egypt of mortal disease contracted on a long-distance flight into the desert whilst on special service
William George Balls of Hillside; Stowmarket
Emily Mary Balls

7BlackerbySamuel Blackerbyid: 1227490041
Martha Blackerby
Richard Horster of Nassington in Northamptonshire. his name should be ffoster not hoster the 2 ff which was the style then together look like an H
Nathaniel Blackerby
Thomas Blackerby
Ann Blackerby

8BlackerbyThomas Blackerby1604761680id: 1327490121elected Alderman of the City of London in the year of our lord 1666 fined for the same and for Sheriffe of the said city. He was High Sherriffe of this County in the year of our lord 1669. He was a man of very great temperance of exemplary charity of profound humility and strict piety very zealous in the discharge of his duty both as a Magistrate and as a private person. He did much good both in this town and other places whilst he lived and is gone to receive his reward

9BobyJohn Boby1746711817id: 1427490221Gent; late of Stowupland
Ann Boby1751841835

10CloughWilliam Copperthwaite Clough1830101840id: 72274928101

11DaleFrances Daleid: 11327494091

12EnglishMargaret Englishid: 29
(2 images)
27491531Of the City of Westminster in the County of Mddxone of the daughters of Sir John Tirrell Knight and her loving brother and sister Thomas and Mary Tirell(sic) with their 6 sonnes and 4 daughters the which Margaret in estification of her love and bowntyiful disposition to the poore people of the town of Stowe Market and Gyppinge Hamlet of the samne hath given one hundred pounds for the purchas of a yerely annuitie of twent nobles for ever the relief of the same pore and hath caused this monument to be erected in this church of Stowe Market aforesaid the XXth day of October ano dom 1604
Thomas Tirell
John Tirrell
Mary Tirell

13FaircloughNathaniel Fairclough1675781753id: 727489771
Elizabeth Fairclough23
Cooke Fairclough1714
John Fairclough1716131729
Elizabeth Fairclough1683731756

14FancourtSt John Michell Fancourt1848691917id: 1927490781St John Fanudurn

15ForthDorothea Forth1588531641id: 24
(2 images)
27491281Iuxta hunc sepultum iacet corpus dna Dorothea Forth filae primogenita ac unius cohaeredum Johannis Gilbert de Finborough Magna in comitatu Suff: equitis avrati quae in primis nuptius desponsata futi Gulielmo Forth; equiti avrato in secundis vero Grassamo Perkins Armigero ex quibus numerosam habit prolem demum Gulielmo Tyrell de Arbatia de Bvry St Edmundi armigero filio natu secundo do Thomae Tyrell de Gipping armigeri super defuncti qui ex ea suscepit hos tres liberos in usum domini immarure deceptos obit ao dni 1641 die 19th mensis aprilis aetatis suae 53 (followed by quotation Quid spectas mortem etc)
Johannis Gilbert of Finborough Magna in Suffolk
Thomas Tyrrel of Gipping
Gulielmo Forth
Grassamo Perkins
Guelimo Tyrell second son

16FreemanMary Ann Freeman1792481840id: 135
(4 images)
Anne Freeman183121833
Ellen Freeman1875 They were killed in a railway accident at Charmoy Haute Marne France 1876
Mary Freeman1875 They were killed in a railway accident at Charmoy Haute Marne France 1875
Sarah Anne Freeman
Charles Rayner Freeman1797641861 of Up Hall; Stow Upland
Charles Freeman183821840

17HardsonIllegible Hardson1664631727id: 11027493991

18Hayward Hayward1901id: 527489571In memory of No 3983 Sergeant Hayward 1st King's Dragoon Guards; killed in South Africa 23 May 1901 Erected by his officers and comrades

19HollingsworthArthur George Harpur Hollingsworth1802571859id: 21274909121Clerk MA Vicar of the United Parishes of Stow-Market and Stow-Upland for 25 years. He died at his residence; Langer House; Felixstowe

20HollingsworthSamuel Hollingsworth1758851843id: 2227491091died at Grouville in the island of Jersey

21HuntJohn Hunt1813id: 85274932101

22KJ K1798id: 12527494341
E K1831
H K1808 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

23LewisHenry Lewis1823531876id: 162749043115 years vicar of this parish. Died at Knight's Enham Andover
Jane Margaret Lewis

24MarriottAnna Laetitia Marriott1801811882id: 1727490541
John Marriott
John Marriott1829551884 died at Karachi; Scinde

25MarriottJohn Marriott1796791875id: 15274903291
Frederick Beck Marriott1835401875

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Peter and St Mary's Church burial ground, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this burial ground is IP14 1EF - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this burial ground!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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