Monument list for Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery

Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery, Paris, France

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

126Lévy-WillardCerf Lévy-Willard1818791897id: PMPLévyWill273020171
Sara Lévy-Willard1828811909

127LièvreAdrien Lièvre1853651918id: PMPLièvre272982101
Addy Lièvre1919241943
Gabrielle Lièvre1854841938
Lise Lièvre1878721950
Mélanie Lièvre1832871919
Pierre Lièvre1882571939
Suzanne Lièvre1889631952 Wife of Pierre Lièvre
Frédéric Schnerb1909771986
Marion Schnerb-Lièvre1921842005

128LionIsabelle Lion1883591942id: PMPStodel273001241
Georges Stodel1879751954

129LisanGeorges Lisan1870501920id: PMPLisan27288071Architect
Léontine Lisan1868651933

130LoebDavid Loeb1830671897id: PMPDavidLoeb273019141Member of the society 'La terre promise' (Jewish funeral society)
Jeannette Loeb1833691902

131MaillardDiogène Ulysse Napoléon Maillard1840861926id: PMPDioMaillard272901131Artist and pupil of Delacroix; whose studio he took over after the latter's death. Amongst his own pupils was the artist Edouard Vuillard.

132MalinetLouis Joseph Malinet188311884id: PMPMalinet272935151age 5 months
Charles Victor Malinet1844651909

133MaljeGeorges Malje1880191899id: PMPMalje272930181Student in law and littérature; member of the Demolombre Conference on law

134MartinMarie Toussaint Guy Martin1833501883id: PMPMarieMartin272859211
Marie Céline Martin1845681913
Marie Fanny Martin1848521900

135MarxBrunette Marx1825751900id: PMPMarxBrun273025311
Andrée Brunswic1908831991
Ernestine Brunswic1881851966
Gaston Brunswic1920
Alice Marx1859821941
Marcel Marx1860551915
Roger Marx1884711955
Silvain Marx1850691919
Michel Zadoc-Kahn1904871991
Yvonne Zadoc-Kahn1903691972

136Masson(widow) Masson1809841893id: PMPGeissendorf272936281
(widow) Geissendoerfer1834631897
Jacques Geissendoerfer1829661895

137MazliJeanne Mazli1803861889id: PMPBalme1
(2 images)
(widow) Balme1872721944 Wife of F.Balme
(widow) Balme1855631918
Francis Balme1859681927 Engineer
Francis Balme1909251934
François (?) Balme1880871967 Engineer
Paul Jean Balme1857271884
F Bourdon1896221918 Killed in action
F Bourdon1861511912 Naval officer
Jeanne Bourdon1864961960
P Bourdon1900251925

138MenezMarie Menez1898id: PMPMenez272947211
(widow) Menez1957
Anatole Menez1844741918
Edouard Menez1868871955
Mathilde Menez1927 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

139MératAlbert Mérat1840691909id: PMPMérat272976151Mérat was a poet who belonged to the Parnassien school of poets; and was close to Rimbaud and Verlaine before arguing with Rimbaud. In later life; he was the librarian of the French Senate.

140MerckelHenri Jean Marie Merckel1880141894id: PMPMerckel272933171
Emilie Merckel1872341906
Eugène Benjamin Merckel1844551899
Marie Anne Merckel1848581906 Wife of Eugène Merckel

141MetzgerAlfred Metzger1845521897id: PMPCohn273026251
(widow) Cohn1865641929 Wife of Wladimir Cohn
Wladimir Cohn1858481906
(widow) Dreyfus1841701911 Wife of Benjamin Dreyfus

142MetzgerCharles Metzger1903id: PMPChMetzger272900161Chief engineering inspecter and director of state railways

143MeyerAdèle Meyer1833741907id: PMPJoelMeyer1
(3 images)
273040121Wife of Joel Meyer
Clémence Blum1863881951 Wife of Samuel Blum
Samuel Blum1868781946
Anna Meyer1879741953 Wife of Daniel Meyer
Daniel Meyer1867591926
Jules André Meyer1898211919 Died at Ludwigshafen in Germany
Denise Millet1923221945 Wife of Claude Millet
Albert Weill1853711924
C Yvonne Weill1901811982
Julien Wyler1891291920 Decorated with the British War Cross (1914-1918)
Léopold Wyler1861931954
Sophie Wyler1860591919 Wife of Léopold Wyler

144MeyerSara Meyer1848551903id: PMPSimonMeyer1
(2 images)
Simon Meyer1840841924 Born in Horbourg in Alsace
Walter Goldschmidt1915671982
Paule Loiseau1906771983
Alfred Meyer1879681947
Alice Meyer1892921984 Wife of Alfred Meyer
Alphonse Meyer1884801964
Caroline Meyer1879791958 Wife of Maurice Meyer
Emile Meyer1885821967
Emma Meyer1889861975 Wife of Alphonse Meyer
Georgette Meyer1895811976
Jacqueline Meyer1925822007
Maurice Meyer1875841959
Micheline Meyer191601916 age 2 months
Reine Weill1878671945 Wife of Jacques Weill

145MeylingJean Baptiste Meyling1848611909id: PMPKlein1
(4 images)
272974141Born in Soultz; Alsace
J Edouard Klein1841711912 Born in Soultz; Alsace
Victorine Désiré Klein1839461885

146Molard(widow) Molard1847631910id: PMPMolard272854411
(mr) Molard1845771922
Lucie Molard1863701933
Marie-mathilde Whitehouse1871801951 Wife of Georges Alfred Whitehouse (

147MorelEmile Morel1853411894id: PMPGilson272932261
Noémie Bérard1879161895
Bernadette Gilson1918902008
Jeanne Gilson1885641949
Maurice Gilson1887881975
Louise Marie Morel1861381899
Lucie Adélaïde Morel1882161898 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

148MorelSylvain Morel1822731895id: PMPSylMorel272977161Retired naval officer

149MoriceCharles Morice1848571905id: PMPMorice1
(2 images)
Amélie Bondois1885991984
Gabrielle Fournier1876861962
Michel Fournier1938642002
François Morice1922371959
Geneviève Morice1848781926
Léopold Morice1843771920
Marie Morice1852681920
Paul Morice1882791961
Simone Morice1927842011
Suzanne Morice1885761961

150NobelsEugène Edouard Nobels1845281873id: PMPNobels272888161
(widow) Nobels1820841904
Edouard Josse Nobels1819681887

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery, Paris, Paris, France.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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