Monument list for Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery

Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery, Paris, France

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

101JoannesCharles Joannes1812551867id: PMPPerrody272975191
Geneviève Cornau1899811980
Pierre Cornau1893741967
Eugène Jardin1899791978
Alphonse Joannes1832801912
Lucie Joannes1837731910
Anne-marie Perrody1902861988
Jacques Perrody1891701961
Jean Perrody1892221914 Killed in action at Vailly sur Aisne in north-eastern France
Jeanne Perrody1868811949
Maurice Perrody1860681928
Pierre Perrody1894231917 Killed in action
Yvonne Perrody1899911990

102KahnArnold Kahn1882321914id: PMPArnKahn1
(3 images)
272995201Killed in action with the 360th Infantry Regt; 25th August 1914. Mentioned in despatches (citation on gravestone)
Benoït Braun1874801954
Odette Esther Braun1927661993
Renée Braun1889741963 Wife of Benoït Braun
Henriette Braun-Kahn1846751921
Armand Kahn1883761959
Aron Kahn1849651914
Arthur Kahn1836701906
Marcelle Kahn1888551943 Wife of Armand Kahn
Selma Kahn1850

103KarkoffLéon Nathaniel Karkoff1882141896id: PMPKarkoff273010151
Léa Hes1867561923 Wife of Prosper Hes
(widow) Karkoff1840961936 Wife of Albert Karkoff
Albert Karkoff1844681912

104KarplownaS P Olympia Karplowna1827751902id: PMPKarplowna1
(2 images)

105L'HermiteAlexandre L'Hermite1854501904id: PMPHermite1
(2 images)
André L'Hermite1882531935
Angèle L'Hermite1892741966
Georges L'Hermite1891601951
Josephine L'Hermite1861661927
Odette L'Hermite192201922 age 4 months
Roger L'Hermite1919101929

106LachelierFrançois Lachelier1896201916id: PMPLachelier272856171Killed in action

107LalondeJoseph Charles Lalonde1816661882id: PMPLalonde272867201
Marie Louise Marion1826561882

108LapirotPierre Lapirot1814621876id: PMPLapirot272843141
André Fortin1921802001
Andrée Fortin1920802000
Gustave Lapirot1842521894
Josephine Lapirot1854541908
Sophie Lapirot1819681887
Clothilde Lebesnerais1884751959
Félicie Lebesnerais1840831923
Félix Lebesnerais1844631907
Hortense Lebesnerais1845711916
Léon Lebesnerais1880641944
Léon Lebesnerais1834541888 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

109LaurensAlbertine Laurens1837191856id: PMPLaurens272953171
Florentine Lafon1803681871
Arion Lafon de Gaxins1800571857
Albert Laurens1837601897
Caroline Laurens188071887
Léa Laurens1898331931
Sophie Laurens1831681899
Renée Weller190291911
Sophie Weller1871631934

110LazareBernard Lazare1865381903id: PMPBernLazare273002201
Isabelle Lazare1865951960

111Leconte de LisleCharles Marie René Leconte de Lisle1818761894id: PMPLeconteLisle272967151Poet; and leader of the Parnassien group of poets which included Rimbaud and Verlaine who both admired his work. He was ellected to the Academie Française where he succeeded Victor Hugo.

112LecreuxLouis Armand Lecreux69id: PMPBaudet272921101
Armand Laurent Baudet21
Denise Laurence Baudet73
Pierre François Baudet1831821913
Adeline Julie Lecreux75

113LegrandEmile Legrand1841621903id: PMPEmLegrand1
(2 images)
272902151Leading Hellenist and Professor of Modern Greek at the School of Oriental Languages.
Maxime Hugonnet1867411908
(widow) Legrand1911 b 18?8

114LehmannIsidore Lehmann1858811939id: PMPIsLehmann272980241
Aline Lehmann1876771953

115LeroyMarie Leroy1823811904id: PMPSisterMarie272946151Superior of the parish mission house of St Médard in the 5e arrondissement of Paris. Entered the religious life in 1846.

116LevinsteinAlexandre Levinstein1844771921id: PMPTourret1
(3 images)
Auguste Félix Tourret1822761898 Artllery officer; member of the consitutional Council of State; and knight of the Papl order of Pius IX
Anaïs Amélina Tourret1834701904 Wife of Auguste Tourret
Pierre Victor Auguste Tourret1858761934
Anne Marie Rosalie Levinstein1853761929

117LévyAdolphe Lévy1847431890no image273008211
Henriette Lévy1823891912
Julie Lévy1852731925 Wife of Léon Lévy
Léon Lévy1848801928 Veteran of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.

118LevyFélix Levy1846541900id: PMPFélixLevy273037251
Georges Goldfard1906581964
Marthe Goldfard1909922001 Wife of Georges Goldfard
Brigitte Lévy1917922009 Wife of Félix Lévy
Félix Levy1906851991
Henri Levy1879911970
Marcelle Levy1883871970 Wife of Henri Lévy
Ernestine Levy1854491903

119LévyHenriette Lévy1853581911id: PMPLévyBing272989151
Isidore Lévy-Bing1850881938
Alfred Lévy-Bing1876751951 Leading doctor specialising in the treatment of muscular problems and venereal diseases; and member of the French Resistance in WW2
Hedwige Picard1850761926 Wife of Léon Picard
Léon Picard1839991938

120LévyLazare Lévy1862641926id: PMPPresberg1
(2 images)
Jacques Lévy1902601962
André Presberg1922852007
Jeanne Presberg1893731966 Wife of Léon Pressberg
Léon Presberg1886841970
Tobe Ryeke Presberg1929792008
Rachel Von Dantzig1860721932
Mathilde Lévy1872691941 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

121LévyLucien Lévy1858441902id: PMPLévyLaz273024131
Arthur Lévy1860831943
Rosalie Lévy1835731908 Wife of Lazare Lévy; from Neuvilles les Raon in Lorraine

122LévyNanette Lévy1838701908no image273005161
Pierre Cremieux1905841989
Simone Cremieux1912892001
Alice Lévy1876811957 Wife of Charles Lévy
Ferdinand Lévy1872741946
Hermance Lévy1880671947
Paul Lévy1918261944 Died in deportation

123LévyPauline Lévy1881181899id: PMPLévySéra1
(2 images)
Raymond Cahen1905691974
Camille Lévy1877941971 Wife of Maurice Lévy
Maurice Lévy1873741947
Séraphine Lévy1848781926 Wife of Moyse Lévy

124LévyRobert Lévy1944id: PMPRobLévy273006161Died in deportation; originally from Epernay in the Champagne region
Germaine Lévy1944 Died in deportation; originally from Epernay in the Champagne region
Robert Léopold Lévy1944 Died in deportation; originally from Epernay in the Champagne region

125LévySarah Lucie Lévy1874471921id: PMPMauss272984171Wife of Auguste Lévy
Marie Louise Amiot1880861966 Born in Chamblet; wife of André Amiot
Lucien Dreyfus1903901993 Born in Remiremont in the Vosges region
Suzanne Dreyfus1906972003 Wife of Lucien Dreyfus
Adèle Mauss1903911994 Doctor of law
Philippe Mauss1929511980

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery, Paris, Paris, France.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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