Monument list for Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery

Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery, Paris, France

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AngeliniHermine Angelini1941id: PMPAngelini272958161Wife of François Angelini

2AuscherBenjamine Auscher1830701900id: PMPAuscher1
(2 images)
272990111Wife of Aron Auscher

3BaerSaly Isaac Baer1838621900id: PMPBaerSaly273014111
Emilia Isabelle Baer1905881993
Michel Martin Baer1841631904

4BairRené Michel Bair1891271918id: PMPBair1
(2 images)
272899271Engineer; killed in action at Mareuil Lamotte; 14th August 1918
Marie Françoise Bair1860691929
Louise Moreau1881881969

5BarnettAnna Barnett1861721933id: PMPBarnett1
(4 images)
273023251Decorated for her work as a voluntary nurse at the Bégin military hospital; Paris
M J Barnett1856891945
Nathan Barnett1880241904

6BaudouinJean Baudouin1803791882id: PMPBaudouin272909141Sculptor
Jeanne Baudouin1845711916 Wife of G.Baudouin
Saturnin Baudouin1801821883
Henri Negre1851801931
M L R Negre1858601918 Wife of Henri Negre
(widow) Baudouin1826801906

7BehrMadeleine Behr1822851907id: PMPMeyerBehr273021161
Reine Bloch1881281909
Amedée Bonheur1866491915
Rosalie Bonheur1872401912 Died in Brazil
Georges Meyer1875361911
Maurice Meyer1880361916 Killed in action; 10th December 1916
Meyer Meyer1851811932

8BergerMadeleine Berger1851461897id: PMPBerger272955321
Charles Berger1821821903
Henri Berger1857811938
Auguste Coudeloup1828761904

9BernierJ Bernier1864951959id: PMPBernier1
(4 images)
272915121Wife of L.Bernier
Bernier1864491913 Killed in action at Ifrane in Morocco
(widow) Bernier1898541952
J Bernier1903851988

10BerthelotFrédéric Berthelot1847491896id: PMPBerthelot272941171
Marie Berthelot1842821924
Pierre Berthelot1819781897
Georges-antoine Poussard1861721933

11BertrandJames Bertrand1823641887id: PMPBertrand1
(2 images)
272928221Artist and lithographer
Françoise Bertrand1912
Marie Daviere1917

12BlanchetLéontine Blanchet1863311894id: PMPCouralet272931241
Pierre Marie Blanchet1854701924
Virgine Couralet1839651904
Nathalie Dano1840891929
(widow) Palengat1864741938
Jean Palengat1862571919

13BlochElise Bloch1851791930id: PMPHildesheimer272986161Wife of Léon Bloch
Hélène Hildesheimer1902841986
Jacques Hildesheimer1925812006
Jean Hildesheimer1896881984
Albert Lévy1864681932
Julien Jacques Lévy1900421942 Deported and died at Auschwitz
Madeleine Lévy1902811983
Sarah Lévy1863791942 Wife of Albert Lévy
Françoise Liogier1940602000 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

14BlumAndré Félix Blum1885291914id: PMPAndréBlum273017161Killed in action at the battle of Courbesseaux in Lorraine; 25th August 1914

15Blum-MajeuxFernand Blum-Majeux1853471900id: PMPBlumLévy1
(2 images)
Laure Lévy1863741937 Wife of Lucien Lévy
Lucien Lévy1860711931

16BoulantCarlito Boulant1889271916id: PMPBoulant1
(3 images)
272893221Killed in action in an air battle and buried in this grave in 1921
Camille Aymonier1872861958
Laure Aymonier1881791960 Wife of Camille Aymonier
Alfred Boulant1855721927
Léontine Boulant1860881948 Wife of Alfred Boulant
Madeleine Boulant1888561944
Georges Detrimont1883891972
Marie Detrimont1883821965 Wife of Georges Detrimont
Cécile Dury1872741946
Jeanne Menetrier1882271909 Wife of E.Menetrier

17BourgoinBlanche Bourgoin188051885id: PMPEdBourgoin1
(2 images)
Edmé Bourgoin1837601897 Leading pharmacist and expert on public health issues; director of the centtral hospital pharamcy; he was a member of the French Parliament 1893-1897
Elise Isabelle Bourgoin1846811927 Wife of Edmé Bourgoin
François Bourgoin1945562001
Georges Bourgoin1871171888
Georges Bourgoin1915651980
Isabelle Bourgoin1891851976 Wife of Albert Bourgoin
André Demangeat190341907

18BoussacMarie Josephine Boussac1885441929id: PMPBoussac1
(3 images)
André Boussac1888901978
Anne-marie Boussac1901831984 Wife of André Boussac
Ate (auguste?) Boussac1843681911
Christophe Boussac1914111925
Claude Boussac1925802005
Clémentine Boussac1855861941
Jacques Boussac1885771962
Jean Boussac1885311916 Killed in action
Jean-pierre Boussac1921792000
Jeanne Boussac1888861974 Wife of Jean Boussac
Madeleine Boussac1917791996 Wife of Jean-Pierre Boussac
Marc Boussac1918641982 Contemporary artist and sculptor
Marguerite Boussac1875761951
Marie-andrée Thiault1926721998
Joseph Trouard Riolle1871741945
Louise Trouard Riolle1873481921 Wife of Joseph Trouard Riolle
Pierre Trouard Riolle1898321930

19BoyavalPaul Boyaval1892231915id: PMPBoyaval1
(2 images)
27289491Killed in action at Bois d'Ailly in eastern France
Augustine Boyaval1823731896 Wife of Joseph Boyaval
Clothilde Elise Boyaval1865381903 Wife of Paul Boyaval
Joseph Boyaval1825631888
Mathilde Boyaval1857741931
Paul Boyaval1865481913
Honorine Couty1825791904
Jean Grévin1885631948
Mathilde Grévin1890851975 Wife of Jean Grévin
Adrienne Hebreard1865361901

20BraunRachel Braun1868281896id: PMPBraun273012161
Julie Braun1858411899
Sarah Braun1863421905
Fanny Mantout1868691937 Wife of Georges Mantout
Georges Mantout1862711933 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

21BretonJules Adolphe Aimé Louis Breton1827791906id: PMPJulBreton1
(2 images)
272850221Artist and poet; who trained with amongst others Félix de Vigne. He was the father of the artist Virgine Demont-Breton. His works are included int he collection of the Musée d'Orsay; and his poetry was admired by Van Gogh.
Elodie Breton1836631899 Daughter of the Belgian artist Félix de Vigne.

22BrousseArsène Brousse1825791904id: PMPBrousse272853231
Augustin Sergeant1844801924
Louise Sergeant1854841938
(widow) Brousse1830751905

23CaremeFrancis Louis Careme1875401915id: PMPCareme1
(2 images)
272855141Killed in action with the 6th Colonial Infantry regt

24CauvinLéon Cauvin1882171899id: PMPCauvin1
(2 images)
(widow) Cauvin1851741925
(widow) Grandet1887441931
(widow) Royére1863601923
Edouard Royére1863691932
Louis Thuillot1908831991

25CerfberrEliza Cerfberr1808451853id: PMPCerfberr1
(4 images)
Max Théodore Cerfberr1792821874 Max joined the French army under Napoléon and was appointed an officer without atteding a military academy. He continued to rise through the ranks; and in 1839 was appointed to the staff of the minister of war. From 1842-1848 he was member of the French Parliament for Wissembourg in Alsace. He later became President of the central consistory for France.
Alfred Roger Levylier1857711928 Cavalry officer (chef d'escadron); born in Colmar in Alsace
Maxime Levylier1837331870
Oulry Charles Auguste Levylier1824611885 Treasury director for Northern France.
Paul Max Auguste Levylier1890251915 Student arhcitect; killed in action leading his platoon of the 25th Dragoon Guards (cavalry); 6th October 1915 in the Champagne region. According to the inscription; his last words were; Tell my father I died for France.

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Montparnasse Pt3 Cemetery, Paris, Paris, France.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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