Monument list for Weissensee (pt 1) Cemetery

Weissensee (pt 1) Cemetery, Berlin, Germany

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

26GoteswillenHelene Goteswillen1900id: BLNWGoteswillen27253871

27GottschalkBenno Gottschalk1834681902id: BLNWGottschalk272475111
Sara Gottschalk1842751917

28GutkindHulda Gutkind1879611940id: BLNWGutkind272488111

29HerrmannIsidor Herrmann1862781940id: BLNWHerrIsidor272496191

30HerzEmma Herz1858821940id: BLNWBehrHerz272514141
William Herz1848491897

31HirschWolf Hirsch1854651919id: BLNWHirschWolf27248461
Bertha Hirsch1852901942
Rosa Lazarus1942 Died in deportation

32HirschbergLeopold Hirschberg1846541900id: BLNWHirschLeo27253191
Anna Hirschberg1850621912

33HirschbergLeopold Hirschberg1844591903id: BLNWHirschAron27254261Born in Bamberg
Moritz Aronsohn Bookseller
Auguste Aronsohn
Clara Victoria Hirschberg1853661919 Born in Bamberg

34HirschelHartwig Hirschel1817901907id: BLNWHirschHart27254441
Henriette Hirschel1823821905

35HirschelMax Hirschel1861741935id: BLNWMaxHirsch272519101Lawyer

36JablonskyJulius Jablonsky1851631914id: BLNWJablonsky272513151
Mathilde Jablonsky1848741922

37JacobCharlotte Jacob1891491940id: BLNWJacobLeo27250091
Leopold Jacob1873671940

38KornAnna Korn1874661940id: BLNWKornAnna272497101

39LandsbergerElise Landsberger1870461916id: BLNWLandsberger272486131
Siegfried Landsberger1862741936

40LehmannClara Lehmann1841561897id: BLNWHermLehm272518111Born in Frankfurt
Hermann Lehmann1835681903 Born in Stargard in eastern Pommerania (now in Poland)

41LevyJoachim Levy1842661908id: BLNWLevyJoach272527111

42LewinJohanna Lewin1851631914id: BLNWLewinSimon272472111
Simon Lewin1845381883

43LewyTherese Lewy1883441927id: BLNWPincusLewy272509141

44LichtensteinWidor Lichtenstein1814841898id: BLNWLichtenstein1
(2 images)
Bertha Lichtenstein1823641887

45LindemannHeind Heinrich Lindemann1848441892id: BLNWLindemann272550151
Olga Lindemann1854791933
Louis Pincus1848841932

46LitthauerCarl Litthauer1836591895no image27254151Senior public health officer and privy councillor
Therese Litthauer1838751913
Johannes Maximus Mosse1857631920 Lawyer
Salomon Mosse1837661903 Two gravestones side by side for Salomon Mosse

47LoewAron Loew1815761891id: BLNWLoewLewin272473121
Bertha Loew1816811897

48LoewenthalSally Loewenthal1843691912id: BLNWLoewenSee27247181Born in Polzin; in Pomerania (now in Poland)
Minna Loewenthal1846691915

49LoewyLouis Loewy1846681914id: BLNWLoewyLouis272480241

50LubaschAuguste Lubasch1865311896id: BLNWLubasch272521101
Philipp Lubasch1845631908

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Weissensee (pt 1) Cemetery, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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