Monument list for St Peter Church burial ground

St Peter's Church burial ground, Powick, Worcestershire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AllenKerrie Anne Allen1967id: P104019119959315118 03 1967 aged 5d

2AmphlettEdward Poul Amphlett1884381922id: S630000919972114131 05 1922

3AndrewsJeffrey John Andrews1929782007id: P104031019969317112 10 2007

4AstonSarah Aston1842id: P104007319951014115 11 1842

5BaggotHester Baggot1801681869id: P10400931995247106 12 1869
John Baggot1799711870 29 10 1870

6BaileyStanley Richard Bailey189991908id: P104007219950911131 03 1908

7BakerThomas Baker1843id: P1040055199498171
Thomason Baker1842

8BallEmma Ball1840221862id: P104003419948314112 08 1862
John Edward Baylis1849171866 08 03 1866
Richard Ball
Anne Baylis
Henry Baylis

9BannerGeorge Banner1842531895id: P1040268199651181
Emily Banner1848771925 08 01 1925

10BarberAnne Barber1665771742id: S6300152199811241

11BarberAnne Barber1669771746id: P1040121199541151Oct 1746
Morris Husy47 died 23 03 17??

12BarcroftAmbrose William Barcroft1871761947id: P104028819966920118 05 1947

13BarkerWilliam Barker1821651886id: P104014119955316122 06 1886

14BarnesThomas James Barnes1872id: S630012219979419127 10 1872 aged 7m
Thomas Barnes
Elien Barnes

15BarnettJoseph Barnett1840441884id: P1040092199523131of Bransford Road St Johns
Albert Charles Barnett1868241892 27 03 1892

16BarnettJoseph Barnett1840441884id: P1040179199584151of Bransford Road St Johns
Albert Charles Barnett1868241892 27 03 1892

17BartonKathleen Maude Barton1964id: P104027319965616123 06 1964

18BathamChristopher Batham1755681823id: S630013819980113110 07 1823

19BaylisCharles William Baylis1844331877id: P104031319970915125 07 1877

20BaylisHenry Baylis1802791881id: P104003519948414127 02 1881
Anne Baylis1805871892 06 04 1892

21BeardAlice Beard1830631893id: S6300070199770181of Loves Grove Worcester
James Henry Beard1826701896 19 05 1896

22BeardElizabeth Beard1819731892id: P1040185199589141who died on Good Friday

23BennettSarah Bennett1842421884id: P104018819959113128 09 1884
William Bennett

24BennettThomas Bennett1864471911id: P104021419960716126 06 1911
Annie Maria Bennett1863841947

25BetterdenSamuel Betterden1736431779id: P1040123199543111of the Parish of St Nicholas in the City of Worcester

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Peter's Church burial ground, Powick, Worcestershire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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