Monument list for Oak Grove Cemetery

Oak Grove Cemetery, Oak Grove, South Carolina, United States

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

151PhillipsBessie M Phillips1910821992no image168796121born 26-Oct-10 died 31-Mar-92 md: 26 Jul 1927

152PhillipsCarl Allen Phillips1936471983id: carl_allen_phillips168751141born 16-Jun-36 died 22-May-83 SP4 US Army

153PhillipsJulia Harritt Phillips1911661977no image16870491born 18-Feb-11 died 03-Jun-77

154PhillipsLawrence Arthur Phillips1904641968no image16870361born 20-Mar-04 died 18-Oct-68

155PhillipsR Adrain Phillips1907861993no image168795121born 20-Jun-07 died 17-Nov-93

156PotterDonald Eugene Potter1949481997id: donald_eugene_potter168746171born 23-Feb-49 died 26-Nov-97

157PotterRobert Lee Potter1943551998no image168748141born 11-Apr-43 died 24-Jan-98

158PotterThomas Woodrow Potter1945211966id: thomas_woodrow_potter168743121born 23-Apr-45 died 27-Jun-66 s/o Margaret A Caddell
Margaret A Caddell Potter

159RhodesJessie Walter Rhodes1913781991no image168811151born 16-May-13 died 26-Apr-91

160RothLeigh Ann Roth198901989id: leigh_ann_roth168730121

161SaverinoLennie Mills Bilton Saverino1903731976id: lennie_mills_bilton_saverino168823111born 08-Apr-03 died 30-Apr-76

162SchurlknightClarence W Schurlknight1919741993no image16876381born 08-May-19 died 26-Jan-93

163SchurlknightVera C Schurlknight1935591994no image168764131born 14-Feb-35 died 16-Nov-94 md: 19 Jun 1954

164ShealyEssie W Shealy190291911no image168693121born 12-Sep-11 died 14-Sep-02

165ShealySidney J Shealy1903621965no image16869271born 20-Apr-03 died 24-Sep-65

166SheppardBaby Boy Sheppard196801968id: baby_boy_sheppard168736151

167ShulerBrenda F Shuler195611957id: brenda_f_shuler168813131born 15-Aug-56 died 22-Feb-57

168ShulerTimothy C Shuler1958452003id: timothy_c_shuler168812161

169ShulerTimothy Monroe Shuler1932591991id: timothy_monroe_shuler168814141born 09-May-32 died 20-Jul-91 A1C USAF Korea

170SmithAllie Louise Smith1902191921no image16883391born 02-Jul-21 died 07-Apr-02

171SmithRev E C Smith1920842004no image16883281born 15-May-20

172SteadmanEtta White Steadman1906921998no image168804111born 23-Apr-06 died 06-Jun-98

173SteadmanThomas Edward Steadman1909811990no image168805161born 29-Jul-09 died 07-Mar-90 PFC US Army WWII

174SutlerJohnnie E Sutler1932671999no image16883141born 18-Feb-32 died 18-Mar-99 Sgt US Army

175SutlerVerdie H Sutler1934541988no image16883061born 20-Apr-34 died 01-Dec-88

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Oak Grove Cemetery, Oak Grove, South Carolina, United States.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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