Monument list for Canongate Kirk Church burial ground

Canongate Kirk's Church burial ground, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
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76FergussonRobert Fergusson1751231774no image162943171Poet He was originally intended for the Church but not being suited to this he ultimately obtained employment as a copyist He wrote verses on all sorts of occasions chiefly for Ruddimans Weekly Magazine No one could think ill of Fergusson who was the friend and brother of everybody He was a good singer and found of society but fell into habits of dissaption; and becoming insane died in a lunatic asylum His grave remained quite undistinguished until Burns arrived in Edinburgh On reaching Fergussons grave Burns uncovered his head knelt down and embraced the venerated clay Burns afterwards obtained permission from the Magistrates to erect this monument to the memory of Fergusson

77FerrierAnn Ferrier1845id: 1074616294510120th April 1845

78FerrierSmith Ferrier1673481721id: 109071216282091June 1721

79FettesWilliam Fettes1856id: 10884163005101Founder of Fettes College twice Lord Provost of Edinburgh Monument erected by Trustees of the Fettes endowment
William Fettes1788271815 13th June 1815
Maria Malcolm1876 8th May 1876

80FontaineAntoine Burel Fontaine1827id: 1075516294916123rd January 1827
Henry Louis Burel Fontaine1805371842 9th June 1842
Anthony Fontaine
Lucy Sdcott Sarah1803251828 8th January 1828
Thomas Sarah

81ForbesBarbara Balfour Forbesid: 1090758162849111
Duncan Forbes1812 28th July 1812
George Stuart Forbes
John Stewart
Margaret Stewart

82FordJohn Ford1795641859id: 109080516287454116th May 1859 Born about 1795 in Midlothian. 1839 took over the Holyrood Flint Glass Works. In 1855 Queen Victoria granted him a licence �Glass Maker to Her Majesty� the place now assuming the title of �The Royal Holyrood Glass Works�. Also had a company called John Ford and Co. HIs daughter Mary Ford married Christopher Thompson Maling in 1857. CT Maling had a pottery in Ouseburn, Newcastle where Maling pottery was produced. They lived in Hexham and later in Newcastle.
Elizabeth Isabella Ford1771581829 3rd March 1829
Humphrey Ford1766541820 27th April 1820 Birth 13 Mar 1766 in Coldstream Son of a John Ford born in 1736 and Elizabeth Duns Father of this graves' John Ford
Margaret Ford1769561825 Margaret Isabel Ford 21st February 1825 Daughter of a John Ford born in 1736 and Elizabeth Duns Birth 19 Feb 1768 in Coldstream Aunt of this graves' John Ford Married Alexander Kennedy 28th Apr 1794
William Ford1770401810 10th July 1810 Born 1779 in Coldstream Date of death dubious as he founded Holyrood Flint Glass Works and is said to have died in 1818. Uncle to John Ford Son of a John Ford born in 1736 and Elizabeth Duns
Alexander Kennedy Husband of Margaret Isabel Ford, married 28th Apr 1794
John Humphrey Ford1826371863 14th October 1863. Glass Manufacturer, probably working for his father John Ford.
William Ford1829611890 9th November 1890 Birth 31 May 1829 in Canongate. Glass manufacturer, son of John Ford. Married Elizabeth Catherine Wells Birth 7 November 1827 in Newport, Monmouthshore Death 1895. Had 5 children, 1 boy 4 girls
Pauline Koch1798651863 7th October 1863 Born 31 Aug 1798 on the Island of Ferel, Saaremaa, Estonia. [According to 1841 census, had a sister called Janet who also came to Scotland.] [Could someone with access to headstone please confirm whether {Ferel} is perhaps {Osel}, {Ösel} or {Oesel}; and rather use the exact wording from headstone than the modern location name]

83ForsythRobert Forsyth1765811846id: 1090865162901211Miscellaneous Writer Originally intended for the Church but abandoned divinity for the bar subsequently taking up literature Published The Beauties of Scotland 5 volumes 1805-06
Agnes Carson/Hunter1755711826 July 1826
Agnes Forsyth1806411847 13th May 1847
Charles Forsyth1842 22nd August 1842
Robert Forsyth1806141820 21st July 1820
Jacobina Carson1778801858 5th November 1858

84FraserEuphemia Fraser1783271810id: 1072716294218118th July 1810
Alison Berwick1809 died 2nd August 1809 aged 1wk
Helen Scott1794621856 14th July 1856
Alexander Berwick1774761850 15th February 1850
Jane Fraser1856 16th February 1856
Lilias Fraser1854 11th November 1854
John McWhir
Alexander Berwick1808 died 30th January 1808 aged 1mth

85FraserJohn Fraser1745821827id: 10907371628366118th February 1827

86FraserLuke Fraser1736851821id: 1070016292965127th November 1821
Elizabeth Fraser1793491842 19th February 1842
Janet Fraser1786791865 1st February 1865
Luke Fraser1836211857 26th February 1857 I have another image of this stone which is clearer, and states clearly that Luke Fraser was William Fraser's son, and that William was a writer in the signet. William was the son of Luke senior.
Eliza Hall1701741775 1st October 1775
Margaret Jeffrey1744801824 11th October 1824

87FraserWilliam Fraser1794741868id: 1070016293015126th September 1868
Katharine Anne Taylor1827861913 20th October 1913
Margaret Jeffrey Taylor82 6th October
Mary Taylor1921 22nd November 1921
Bethia Taylor1820681888 17th September 1888 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

88GeddesJohn Geddes1753771830id: 1091916302014127th July 1830
Grizell Geddes1782 19th August 1782
Matilda Faulds1795551850 12th September 1850
Madelina Hessing1815551870 1st March 1870
Adam Gordon Geddes1790711861 3rd May 1861
Crawfurd Geddes1796 10th June 1796
Daniel Geddes1793741867
James Geddes1816 31st January 1816
John Geddes1767771844 28th April 1844
Margaret Duncan1758631821 1st February 1821

89GibsonJ J Gibson1821id: 10693162927181
David Greig
Penelope Fox Greig1781771858 April 1858
Robert Reid

90GibsonWilliam Gibson1807id: 109841630441913rd May 1807
Helen Gibson1814 2nd March 1814
Mitchell Gibson1852 1st February 1852
Barbara Thomson1854 30th May 1854
Hyndford Gibson1797 20th June 1797
Thomas Gibson1802 21st February 1802
Mary Cecilia Balfour1801 27th November 1801

91GordonJohn Watson Gordon1788761864id: 10929163022141Portrait painter Exhibited at first public exhibition in Edinburgh in 1808 A Scene from the Lay of the Last Minstrel After Raeburns death in 1823 he was the leading practioner of portrait painting in Scotland Chief Works:- Sir Walter Scott (original unfinished study in Scottish National Gallery); J G Lockhart; Professor John Wilson; Sir David Brewster

92GordonWilliam Gordon1774id: 1090754162846131December 1774

93GregoryJohn Gregory1724491773no imageno image 8Distinguished Physician and Writer on Miscellaneous Subjects; born Aberdeen Came to Edinburgh 1724 and became a Member of Medical Society; friend of Mark Akenside; studied at Leyden; appointed Professor of Philosophy at Aberdeen; went to London 1745; published several books

94GreigRobert Greig1787491836id: 109086316289815123rd August 1836
Agnes Beatson Greig182821830 16th June 1830
Anna Coventry Greig1897 16th October 1897
Jessie Robina Frances Greig1837431880 13th January 1880
James Blyth Greig1831 died 24th March 1831 aged 10mth
Robert Greig1833251858 3rd June 1858
Jessie Blyth1800821882 11th April 1882

95GreigThomas Greig1751711822id: 10908641628991924th August 1822
John Greig1746821828 30th May 1828

96GreigWilliam Greig1738891827id: 10908701629021811st June 1827
Greig1757691826 6th August 1826

97GreyAlexander Grey1831id: 1090803162872231

98HalkettW D C N Halkett1788101798id: 108951630099112th June 1798
Frederick Halkett
Margaret Halkett1800 10th August 1800

99HallAlexander Hall1755701825id: 107921629631214th September 1825
James Hall1787751862 6th July 1862
Alexander Hall1770571827 11th June 1827
Sarah Guthrie1752601812 18th March 1812

100HallEhinehas Hall1752601812id: 10908891629141315th November 1812

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Canongate Kirk's Church burial ground, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland.

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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