Prospect Cemetery, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland: burial monument details indexed by Gravestone Photographic Resource Project (GPR)

Prospect Cemetery, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland

Prospect Cemetery
Dublin, Ireland

photo of Prospect Cemetery

Prospect Cemetery, Glasnevin

The Glasnevin Cemetery is the largest in Ireland and quite possibly the whole of Europe and is a tourist destination in its own right complete with museum and cafe. Until recently many of the gravestones were broken or fallen but a major restoration project is underway and those gravestones with blue labels have been repaired. There are large areas still to be restored and these include many of the oldest graves. Those graves indexed here are the most accessible and generally the older graves, the earliest burial being in 1832.

The GPR holds 299 grave and 944 person records for the cemetery.

The status of the photographing of the cemetery is 50% complete.

There have been 1606 requests for photographs from the cemetery.

The latest details for the cemetery were added on 13 February 2016

Cemetery Plan

Cemetery Plan

No cemetery plan is currently available on the GPR.

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