St George Church burial ground, Esher, Surrey, England: burial monument details indexed by Gravestone Photographic Resource Project (GPR)

St George's Church burial ground, Esher, Surrey, England

St George's Church burial ground
Surrey, England

photo of St George's Church burial ground

St George's Church burial ground, Esher

The graveyard here is unfortunately not well preserved. Many graves are unreadable and the stone is smooth and blank. Many others are hidden beneath much growth, barely poking out of the ground. This endearing church, a jumble of sandstone, chalk, flint and brick, roofed in stone and clay tiles, with a timber bell-cote, owes its unrestored survival to the building of nearby Christ Church in 1853. It is basically a Tudor structure dating from about 1540, with additions between 1724 and 1842. The clock dates from the end of the 16th century and other fine 18th Century additions include the three-decker pulpit and reredos. It is Esher’s oldest public building and is Grade I listed. Restored by the Community in 1965, it remains a consecrated building, now in the care of The Churches Conservation Trust .

The GPR holds 34 grave and 81 person records for the burial ground.

The status of the photographing of the burial ground is no photos available.

The quality of the photographs of the burial ground is no photos.

There have been 1607 requests for photographs from the burial ground.

The latest details for the burial ground were added before 2011.

Cemetery Plan

Cemetery Plan

No cemetery plan is currently available on the GPR.

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