George Maxwell Memorial Cemetery, Avondale
Also known as the Rosebank Road Cemetery and Orchard Street Cemetery. Many parishioners from St Ninian's, St Lukes Mount Albert, and St Jude are buried here. All but the most recent burials have been photographed and indexed. Useful website links: St Judes, presbyterian archives
A published history of the Avondale area, mentioning many of the people buried in this cemetery: Heart of the Whau.
The GPR holds 321 grave and 962 person records for the cemetery.
The status of the photographing of the cemetery is 90% complete.
There have been 2797 requests for photographs from the cemetery.
The latest details for the cemetery were added on 29 March 2012
A burial monument list gives all the names showed on each monument (show FAQ).
Please be aware that a surname listed above may be a continuation of that surname from the monument list on its left.
A surname list gives all the names for a particular surname and links to the cemetery where it is listed (show FAQ).
Please be aware that a surname listed above may be a continuation of that surname from the surname list on its left.
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