East the Water Cemetery, Bideford, Devon, England: burial monument details indexed by Gravestone Photographic Resource Project (GPR)

East the Water Cemetery, Bideford, Devon, England

East the Water Cemetery
Devon, England

photo of East the Water Cemetery

East the Water Cemetery, Bideford

As with most contributions I add to the project, I aim to take a photo of all legible or mainly legible and accessible stones for persons born pre 1911, cemeteries I took longer ago were pre 1901. Of course there are times when the image may have been blurred or I may miss the odd stone

The GPR holds 476 grave and 947 person records for the cemetery.

There have been 1612 requests for photographs from the cemetery.

The latest details for the cemetery were added on 25 March 2012

Cemetery Plan

Cemetery Plan

No cemetery plan is currently available on the GPR.

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