Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 896486Details of grave number 896486 at St Margaret Warnham for John C Frederick Stott

John C Frederick Stott grave monument in St Margaret burial ground, Warnham, Sussex, England

John C Frederick Stott grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
John C Frederick Stott
Wesley Collard Stott
1908331875brother of John C Frederick Stott
Charles Stott
father of John C Frederick Stott
Mary C Stott
mother of John C Frederick Stott

Breadcrumb trail images to help find John C Frederick Stott grave location

(30 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 896486)

The following thumbnail images are the 30 taken before and 30 after the one for John C Frederick Stott was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for John C Frederick Stott below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the John C Frederick Stott grave.

image: DSC_1830
grave: 896456
Ann Razell
image number DSC_1830
image: DSC_1831
grave: 896457
Edith Florence Corby
image number DSC_1831
image: DSC_1832
grave: 896458
Charles Andrews
image number DSC_1832
image: DSC_1833
grave: 896459
William Agate
image number DSC_1833
image: DSC_1834
grave: 896460
Henry Boyd Wallis
image number DSC_1834
image: DSC_1838
grave: 896461
Maurice Dewing
image number DSC_1838
image: DSC_1839
grave: 896462
Catherine Maria Maxham
image number DSC_1839
image: DSC_1840
grave: 896463
Richard Petter
image number DSC_1840
image: DSC_1840
grave: 896464
Maria Petter
image number DSC_1840
image: DSC_1841
grave: 896465
Eugenie Capon
image number DSC_1841
image: DSC_1842
grave: 896466
W E Bowles
image number DSC_1842
image: DSC_1843
grave: 896467
Sarah L____
image number DSC_1843
image: DSC_1844
grave: 896468
Charles F Hayler
image number DSC_1844
image: DSC_1845
grave: 896469
John Charman
image number DSC_1845
image: DSC_1847
grave: 896470
Charles Child
image number DSC_1847
image: DSC_1861
grave: 896471
James Robert Reddie
image number DSC_1861
image: DSC_1862
grave: 896472
William Short
image number DSC_1862
image: DSC_1863
grave: 896473
Thomas Andrews
image number DSC_1863
image: DSC_1864
grave: 896474
Mary Ann Freeman
image number DSC_1864
image: DSC_1865
grave: 896475
Arthur Evans Coole
image number DSC_1865
image: DSC_1866
grave: 896476
James Co_______
image number DSC_1866
image: DSC_1867
grave: 896477
William Patching
image number DSC_1867
image: DSC_1869
grave: 896478
Elizabeth Bluebell Crampton
image number DSC_1869
image: DSC_1870
grave: 896479
Willie Duncan
image number DSC_1870
image: DSC_1871
grave: 896480
Herbert Maynard Ramsey
image number DSC_1871
image: DSC_1872
grave: 896481
George Street
image number DSC_1872
image: DSC_1873
grave: 896482
Harriet Rebecca Gardiner
image number DSC_1873
image: DSC_1874
grave: 896483
John Redford
image number DSC_1874
image: DSC_1875
grave: 896484
Henry Woods
image number DSC_1875
image: DSC_1876
grave: 896485
Frederick Ernest Sturt
image number DSC_1876
image: DSC_1877
grave: 896486
John C Frederick Stott
image number DSC_1877
image: DSC_1879
grave: 896487
Alfred Richard John Yea
image number DSC_1879
image: DSC_1880
grave: 896488
James Charles Corp
image number DSC_1880
image: DSC_1882
grave: 896489
Hezekiah Farnes
image number DSC_1882
image: DSC_1883
grave: 896490
Elias Humphreys
image number DSC_1883
image: DSC_1884
grave: 896491
William Charman
image number DSC_1884
image: DSC_1885
grave: 896492
Jane Charman
image number DSC_1885
image: DSC_1886
grave: 896493
James Etherton
image number DSC_1886
image: DSC_1887
grave: 896494
Henry Holland
image number DSC_1887
image: DSC_1888
grave: 896495
Henry Burrage
image number DSC_1888
image: DSC_1889
grave: 896496
Ellen Brazier
image number DSC_1889
image: DSC_1890
grave: 896497
Ann Hogsflesh
image number DSC_1890
image: DSC_1891
grave: 896498
Thomas Wanstall
image number DSC_1891
image: DSC_1892
grave: 896499
Horace Reginald Worsfold
image number DSC_1892
image: DSC_1893
grave: 896500
William Hooker
image number DSC_1893
image: DSC_1894
grave: 896501
Nellie Cox
image number DSC_1894
image: DSC_1895
grave: 896502
Ellen Woodman
image number DSC_1895
image: DSC_1896
grave: 896503
H Yates
image number DSC_1896
image: DSC_1897
grave: 896504
Frederick Attwater
image number DSC_1897
image: DSC_1898
grave: 896505
William Hillier
image number DSC_1898
image: DSC_1899
grave: 896506
George Street
image number DSC_1899
image: DSC_1900
grave: 896507
Margaret Carter
image number DSC_1900
image: DSC_1901
grave: 896508
Henry William Knight
image number DSC_1901
image: DSC_1902
grave: 896509
James Bufton
image number DSC_1902
image: DSC_1903
grave: 896510
H P Freeman
image number DSC_1903
image: DSC_1904
grave: 896511
Catherine Maria Mercer
image number DSC_1904
image: DSC_1905
grave: 896512
Alfred Muggeridge
image number DSC_1905
image: DSC_1906
grave: 896513
Mary Ann Etherton
image number DSC_1906
image: DSC_1907
grave: 896514
Thomas W Miller Jones
image number DSC_1907
image: DSC_1908
grave: 896515
Eileen Jean Mason
image number DSC_1908
image: DSC_1909
grave: 896516
Florence Caroline Biddulph
image number DSC_1909

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after John C Frederick Stott grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.