Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 767414Details of grave number 767414 at St Leonard Seaford for Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson grave monument in St Leonard burial ground, Seaford, Sussex, England

Sarah Johnson grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Sarah Johnson
Thomas Johnson
husband of Sarah Johnson

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Sarah Johnson grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 767414)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Sarah Johnson was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Sarah Johnson below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Sarah Johnson grave.

image: DSC_0311
grave: 767394
Theophilus Channing Gittins
image number DSC_0311
image: DSC_0312
grave: 767395
George Major
image number DSC_0312
image: DSC_0313
grave: 767396
Joseph Funnell
image number DSC_0313
image: DSC_0314
grave: 767397
Caroline Ew___ Gutteridge
image number DSC_0314
image: DSC_0315
grave: 767398
Eliza Harmer
image number DSC_0315
image: DSC_0316
grave: 767399
Ann Stevens
image number DSC_0316
image: DSC_0317
grave: 767400
Thomas Joseph Simmons
image number DSC_0317
image: DSC_0318
grave: 767401
Maria Simmons
image number DSC_0318
image: DSC_0319
grave: 767402
James Simmons Atkinson
image number DSC_0319
image: DSC_0321
grave: 767403
Susannah Morton
image number DSC_0321
image: DSC_0322
grave: 767404
Elizabeth Hubard
image number DSC_0322
image: DSC_0323
grave: 767405
Annie Bravery
image number DSC_0323
image: DSC_0324
grave: 767406
Reuben Burgess
image number DSC_0324
image: DSC_0325
grave: 767407
Alicia Roberts
image number DSC_0325
image: DSC_0326
grave: 767408
Thomas Bayliss
image number DSC_0326
image: DSC_0327
grave: 767409
Frederick Phillips
image number DSC_0327
image: DSC_0328
grave: 767410
William Scrase
image number DSC_0328
image: DSC_0329
grave: 767411
George Allfree
image number DSC_0329
image: DSC_0330
grave: 767412
John Allwork
image number DSC_0330
image: DSC_0331
grave: 767413
Harriet Allwork
image number DSC_0331
image: DSC_0332
grave: 767414
Sarah Johnson
image number DSC_0332
image: DSC_0333
grave: 767415
Joseph Banks
image number DSC_0333
image: DSC_0334
grave: 767416
David Banks
image number DSC_0334
image: DSC_0336
grave: 767417
Charles Banks
image number DSC_0336
image: DSC_0337
grave: 767418
William Tucknott
image number DSC_0337
image: DSC_0338
grave: 767419
Mary Homewood
image number DSC_0338
image: DSC_0340
grave: 767420
Edward Godden
image number DSC_0340
image: DSC_0342
grave: 767421
Louisa Chambers
image number DSC_0342
image: DSC_0343
grave: 767422
John Andrews
image number DSC_0343
image: DSC_0344
grave: 767423
Mary Roper
image number DSC_0344
image: DSC_0345
grave: 767424
Martha Rushbridge
image number DSC_0345
image: DSC_0346
grave: 767425
Mary Rushbridge
image number DSC_0346

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Sarah Johnson grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.