Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 505076Details of grave number 505076 at Southgate (part 4) Hornsea for Louisa Wilson

Louisa Wilson grave monument in Southgate (part 4) cemetery, Hornsea, Yorkshire, England

Louisa Wilson grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Louisa Wilson
John Witty
1922801842brother-in-law of Louisa Wilson
Mary Ann Witty
1923901833sister of Louisa Wilson

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Louisa Wilson grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 505076)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Louisa Wilson was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Louisa Wilson below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Louisa Wilson grave.

image: sg147
grave: 505056
Thomas Loten
image number sg147
image: sg148
grave: 505057
Arthur Richard Loten
image number sg148
image: sg149
grave: 505058
Elizabeth Tanton
image number sg149
image: sg150
grave: 505059
Charles Roxby
image number sg150
image: sg151
grave: 505060
Charles Shaw
image number sg151
image: sg152
grave: 505061
Hugh Cuthbert Little
image number sg152
image: sg153
grave: 505062
James George Payne
image number sg153
image: sg154
grave: 505063
Mary Jane Buttimer
image number sg154
image: sg155
grave: 505064
Charles Jose Buttimer
image number sg155
image: sg156
grave: 505065
Thomas John Arksey
image number sg156
image: sg157
grave: 505066
Edward Wray
image number sg157
image: sg158
grave: 505067
Mogens Ahlefeldt-Laurvig
image number sg158
image: sg159
grave: 505068
William Dyson
image number sg159
image: sg160
grave: 505069
Herbert George Kidd
image number sg160
image: sg161
grave: 505070
Hannah Elizabeth Robinson
image number sg161
image: sg162
grave: 505071
Thomas Robinson
image number sg162
image: sg163
grave: 505072
Heaton Foster
image number sg163
image: sg164
grave: 505073
Thomas James Smith
image number sg164
image: sg165
grave: 505074
Richard Gibson Fisher
image number sg165
image: sg166
grave: 505075
Henrietta Parsey Runton
image number sg166
image: sg167
grave: 505076
Louisa Wilson
image number sg167
image: sg168
grave: 505077
Charles Wells
image number sg168
image: sg169
grave: 505078
Annie Elizabeth Willis
image number sg169
image: sg170
grave: 505079
Gilbert Binnington
image number sg170
image: sg171
grave: 505080
Ann Smith
image number sg171
image: sg172
grave: 505081
James Holmes
image number sg172
image: sg173
grave: 505082
Betsy Usher
image number sg173
image: sg174
grave: 505083
Robert Bulmer
image number sg174
image: sg175
grave: 505084
Emily Clark
image number sg175
image: sg176
grave: 505085
Reginald Monk Newell
image number sg176
image: sg177
grave: 505086
Susannah Russell
image number sg177
image: sg178
grave: 505087
Martha Bone
image number sg178
image: sg179
grave: 505088
Alfred Samuel Haller
image number sg179
image: sg180
grave: 505089
Geraldine Ruth Haller
image number sg180
image: sg181
grave: 505090
Robert Acton Colville
image number sg181
image: sg182
grave: 505091
Heaton Foster
image number sg182
image: sg183
grave: 505092
Isobel Holmes
image number sg183
image: sg184
grave: 505093
Lilian Sarah Leech
image number sg184
image: sg185
grave: 505094
Thomas Barker Anderson
image number sg185
image: sg186
grave: 505095
William Salmond
image number sg186
image: sg187
grave: 505096
Elizabeth Emma Bolton
image number sg187

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Louisa Wilson grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.