Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 465094Details of grave number 465094 at Carra Villa Memorial Park Launceston for Ruby Clare Routley

Ruby Clare Routley grave monument in Carra Villa Memorial Park cemetery, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Ruby Clare Routley grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Ruby Clare Routley
12 1913
Norman John Routley
31 1961 husband of Ruby Clare Routley
Jack Routley
son of Ruby Clare Routley
Viv Routley
son of Ruby Clare Routley
Dorothea Edith Routley
second wife of Ruby Clare Routley
Fayette Elaine Unwin
relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley
Paul T Unwin
relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley
Norma Dorothea Watts
10 2007 relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley
Reginald M Routley
10 1954 relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley
Margaret Routley
1 November 1961 relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley
Blanche Routley
relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley
Blanche Elizabeth Hammond
relationship not known of Ruby Clare Routley

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Ruby Clare Routley grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 465094)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Ruby Clare Routley was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Ruby Clare Routley below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Ruby Clare Routley grave.

image: CarV199
grave: 465074
Ernest Stackhouse
image number CarV199
image: CarV200
grave: 465075
John S Crawford
image number CarV200
image: CarV201
grave: 465076
Madeline Tynte Brown
image number CarV201
image: CarV202
grave: 465077
Arthur Herbert Weedon
image number CarV202
image: CarV203
grave: 465078
Edward Alexander Arnold
image number CarV203
image: CarV204
grave: 465079
Anna Christine Marie Jensen
image number CarV204
image: CarV205
grave: 465080
Richard Green
image number CarV205
image: CarV206
grave: 465081
Walter L Febtrill?
image number CarV206
image: CarV207
grave: 465082
John Charles Ferguson
image number CarV207
image: CarV208
grave: 465083
Thomas Collings
image number CarV208
image: CarV209
grave: 465084
Thomas James Marsden
image number CarV209
image: CarV210
grave: 465085
D ? Louisa Creble?
image number CarV210
image: CarV211
grave: 465086
Edward C Joyce
image number CarV211
image: CarV212
grave: 465087
James William Sutton
image number CarV212
image: CarV213
grave: 465088
James D Harris
image number CarV213
image: CarV214
grave: 465089
Emily Elizabeth Wilson
image number CarV214
image: CarV215
grave: 465090
Alfred John Green
image number CarV215
image: CarV216
grave: 465091
Selina Maude Green
image number CarV216
image: CarV217
grave: 465092
Edward Savile Bell
image number CarV217
image: CarV218
grave: 465093
Mary Ann Shearn
image number CarV218
image: CarV219
grave: 465094
Ruby Clare Routley
image number CarV219
image: CarV220
grave: 465095
T Shearn
image number CarV220
image: CarV221
grave: 465096
William L C Law
image number CarV221
image: CarV222
grave: 465097
William Law
image number CarV222
image: CarV223
grave: 465098
Ernest M Law
image number CarV223
image: CarV224
grave: 465099
Francis Matilda Russell
image number CarV224
image: CarV225
grave: 465100
Sarah E Barcley
image number CarV225
image: CarV226
grave: 465101
Bertha M Dennis
image number CarV226
image: CarV227
grave: 465102
Arthur Hart
image number CarV227
image: CarV228
grave: 465103
Dorothy Rita Anderson
image number CarV228
image: CarV229
grave: 465104
Ruby Crocker
image number CarV229
image: CarV230
grave: 465105
Ivy May Crocker
image number CarV230
image: CarV231
grave: 465106
Walter Henry Steer
image number CarV231
image: CarV232
grave: 465107
Joseph Abbott
image number CarV232
image: CarV233
grave: 465108
Ellen Reid
image number CarV233
image: CarV234
grave: 465109
Phillip Oakley Fysh
image number CarV234
image: CarV235
grave: 465110
Christopher John Ion
image number CarV235
image: CarV236
grave: 465111
Christopher Ion
image number CarV236
image: CarV237
grave: 465112
John Parkin
image number CarV237
image: CarV238
grave: 465113
Susan Margaret Denham
image number CarV238
image: CarV239
grave: 465114
Alfred Herbert
image number CarV239

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Ruby Clare Routley grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.