Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 272475Details of grave number 272475 at Weissensee (pt 1) Berlin for Benno Gottschalk

Benno Gottschalk grave monument in Weissensee (pt 1) cemetery, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Benno Gottschalk grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Benno Gottschalk
Sara Gottschalk
1917751842wife of Benno Gottschalk

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Benno Gottschalk grave location

(30 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 272475)

The following thumbnail images are the 30 taken before and 30 after the one for Benno Gottschalk was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Benno Gottschalk below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Benno Gottschalk grave.

image: BLNWFraenkelMax
grave: 272470
Max Fraenkel
image number BLNWFraenkelMax
image: BLNWLoewenSee
grave: 272471
Sally Loewenthal
image number BLNWLoewenSee
image: BLNWLewinSimon
grave: 272472
Johanna Lewin
image number BLNWLewinSimon
image: BLNWLoewLewin
grave: 272473
Aron Loew
image number BLNWLoewLewin
image: BLNWWiszwianski
grave: 272474
Rosalie Wiszwianski
image number BLNWWiszwianski
image: BLNWGottschalk
grave: 272475
Benno Gottschalk
image number BLNWGottschalk
image: BLNWFlatowLew
grave: 272476
Lewin Flatow
image number BLNWFlatowLew
image: BLNWZweig
grave: 272477
Hermann Zweig
image number BLNWZweig
image: BLNWLubowErnst
grave: 272478
Ernst Lubowski
image number BLNWLubowErnst
image: BLNWEloesser
grave: 272479
Arthur Eloesser
image number BLNWEloesser
image: BLNWLoewyLouis
grave: 272480
Louis Loewy
image number BLNWLoewyLouis
image: BLNWBlochPhilipp
grave: 272481
Philipp Bloch
image number BLNWBlochPhilipp
image: BLNWAschrott1
grave: 272482
Anna Aschrott
image number BLNWAschrott1
image: BLNWPerlsMax
grave: 272483
Franziska Perls
image number BLNWPerlsMax
image: BLNWHirschWolf
grave: 272484
Wolf Hirsch
image number BLNWHirschWolf
image: BLNWWolffGeorg
grave: 272485
Georg Wolff
image number BLNWWolffGeorg
image: BLNWLandsberger
grave: 272486
Elise Landsberger
image number BLNWLandsberger
image: BLNWCohnAdolf
grave: 272487
Adolf Cohn
image number BLNWCohnAdolf
image: BLNWGutkind
grave: 272488
Hulda Gutkind
image number BLNWGutkind
image: BLNWWorrmann
grave: 272489
David Worrmann
image number BLNWWorrmann
image: BLNWSaberski
grave: 272490
Milli Saberski
image number BLNWSaberski
image: BLNWFriedlandMorit
grave: 272491
Moritz Friedlander
image number BLNWFriedlandMorit
image: BLNWMarcusEmil
grave: 272492
Emil Marcus
image number BLNWMarcusEmil
image: BLNWGoldmannRich
grave: 272493
Richard Goldmann
image number BLNWGoldmannRich
image: BLNWBlochert
grave: 272494
Ruth Vardi
image number BLNWBlochert
image: BLNWBuchsbaum
grave: 272495
Josef Buchsbaum
image number BLNWBuchsbaum
image: BLNWHerrIsidor
grave: 272496
Isidor Herrmann
image number BLNWHerrIsidor
image: BLNWKornAnna
grave: 272497
Anna Korn
image number BLNWKornAnna
image: BLNWCzarlinski
grave: 272498
Adolf Czarlinski
image number BLNWCzarlinski
image: BLNWSkaller
grave: 272499
Paula Matthias
image number BLNWSkaller
image: BLNWJacobLeo
grave: 272500
Charlotte Jacob
image number BLNWJacobLeo
image: BLNWNeimann
grave: 272501
Rahel Neimann
image number BLNWNeimann
image: BLNWLebbin
grave: 272502
Berta Meyer
image number BLNWLebbin
image: BLNWBerendt
grave: 272503
Adolph Berendt
image number BLNWBerendt
image: BLNWMendelMax
grave: 272504
Trude Mendel
image number BLNWMendelMax
image: BLNWFeibelsohn
grave: 272505
Felix Feibelsohn
image number BLNWFeibelsohn

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Benno Gottschalk grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.