Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 231823Details of grave number 231823 at Lawnswood V Leeds for George William Atkinson

George William Atkinson grave monument in Lawnswood V cemetery, Leeds, Yorkshire, England

George William Atkinson grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
George William Atkinson
Ernest Atkinson
1970801890son of George William Atkinson
Mary A (Marie) Atkinson
1933641869wife of George William Atkinson

Breadcrumb trail images to help find George William Atkinson grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 231823)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for George William Atkinson was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for George William Atkinson below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the George William Atkinson grave.

image: DCSF1400
grave: 231803
Frederick Wright
image number DCSF1400
image: DCSF1401
grave: 231804
Thomas Rheeder
image number DCSF1401
image: DCSF1402
grave: 231805
Harry Ryall
image number DCSF1402
image: DCSF1403
grave: 231806
Clarence Widdop Johnson
image number DCSF1403
image: DCSF1404
grave: 231807
Arthur Hanby
image number DCSF1404
image: DCSF1405
grave: 231808
Eileen Marshall
image number DCSF1405
image: DCSF1406
grave: 231809
Richard Whitfield
image number DCSF1406
image: DCSF1407
grave: 231810
John William Webster
image number DCSF1407
image: DCSF1408
grave: 231811
Mary Elizabeth Bruce
image number DCSF1408
image: DCSF1410
grave: 231812
Francis George Abe
image number DCSF1410
image: DCSF1412
grave: 231813
Edith Wood
image number DCSF1412
image: DCSF1413
grave: 231814
John Hewitt Binks
image number DCSF1413
image: DCSF1414
grave: 231815
Edna May Humpleby
image number DCSF1414
image: DCSF1415
grave: 231816
Cyril Wilfred Banks
image number DCSF1415
image: DCSF1416
grave: 231817
Mary Kathleen Mayne
image number DCSF1416
image: DCSF1417
grave: 231818
William Charles Wheatley
image number DCSF1417
image: DCSF1420
grave: 231819
Charles Herbert Moorhouse
image number DCSF1420
image: DCSF1421
grave: 231820
Mabel Isabel Stead
image number DCSF1421
image: DCSF1423
grave: 231821
James William Wilson
image number DCSF1423
image: DCSF1424
grave: 231822
Sarah Ann Johnson
image number DCSF1424
image: DCSF1426
grave: 231823
George William Atkinson
image number DCSF1426
image: DCSF1427
grave: 231824
Maud Hebden
image number DCSF1427
image: DCSF1429
grave: 231825
Mary Illingworth
image number DCSF1429
image: DCSF1430
grave: 231826
James Sefton Othick
image number DCSF1430
image: DCSF1431
grave: 231827
Florence McMahon
image number DCSF1431
image: DCSF1432
grave: 231828
Mabel Killingbeck
image number DCSF1432
image: DCSF1434
grave: 231829
Joseph Pickersgill
image number DCSF1434
image: DCSF1435
grave: 231830
Maria Kidd
image number DCSF1435
image: DCSF1437
grave: 231831
George Walton
image number DCSF1437
image: DCSF1438
grave: 231832
Maud Cross
image number DCSF1438
image: DCSF1439
grave: 231833
John Arthur Holroyd
image number DCSF1439
image: DCSF1442
grave: 231834
William Lister South
image number DCSF1442
image: DCSF1444
grave: 231835
Arthur Bateson
image number DCSF1444
image: DCSF1445
grave: 231836
Orrie Briggs
image number DCSF1445
image: DCSF1446
grave: 231837
Herbert Wm Wigglesworth Pullan
image number DCSF1446
image: DCSF1447
grave: 231838
Ethel Jane Rimington
image number DCSF1447
image: DCSF1448
grave: 231839
William Woodham Newbould
image number DCSF1448
image: DCSF1449
grave: 231840
Eldon Roy Fenton
image number DCSF1449
image: DCSF1450
grave: 231841
Thomas Henry Killingbeck
image number DCSF1450
image: DCSF1451
grave: 231842
Maud Nickols
image number DCSF1451
image: DCSF1452
grave: 231843
Edith Margaret Facer
image number DCSF1452

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after George William Atkinson grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.