Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 212430Details of grave number 212430 at All Saints Earsham for Winifred M Minns

Winifred M Minns grave monument in All Saints burial ground, Earsham, Norfolk, England

Winifred M Minns grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Winifred M Minns
William James Minns
1972841888husband of Winifred M Minns

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Winifred M Minns grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 212430)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Winifred M Minns was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Winifred M Minns below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Winifred M Minns grave.

image: DSCF0292
grave: 212420
David Love
image number DSCF0292
image: DSCF0293
grave: 212421
Rosa Hewide
image number DSCF0293
image: DSCF0294
grave: 212422
Sarah Howell
image number DSCF0294
image: DSCF0295
grave: 212423
William Algar
image number DSCF0295
image: DSCF0296
grave: 212424
Amy Snelling
image number DSCF0296
image: DSCF0297
grave: 212425
Anna Jordan
image number DSCF0297
image: DSCF0298
grave: 212426
Ernest Edward Love
image number DSCF0298
image: DSCF0299
grave: 212427
George Brighty
image number DSCF0299
image: DSCF0300
grave: 212428
Emily Maria Beverly
image number DSCF0300
image: DSCF0301
grave: 212429
Walter Jeremiah Page
image number DSCF0301
image: DSCF0302
grave: 212430
Winifred M Minns
image number DSCF0302
image: DSCF0303
grave: 212431
Christiana Baldry
image number DSCF0303
image: DSCF0304
grave: 212432
Agnes Sarah Ainge
image number DSCF0304
image: DSCF0305
grave: 212433
Margaret Rachel Richmond
image number DSCF0305
image: DSCF0306
grave: 212434
Muriel Gertrude Emery
image number DSCF0306
image: DSCF0307
grave: 212435
John Wooltorton
image number DSCF0307
image: DSCF0308
grave: 212436
Leslie Remblance
image number DSCF0308
image: DSCF0309
grave: 212437
Edgar Smith
image number DSCF0309
image: DSCF0310
grave: 212438
George Charlton
image number DSCF0310
image: DSCF0311
grave: 212439
Cowland Milway
image number DSCF0311
image: DSCF0312
grave: 212440
Edgar Percy Longley
image number DSCF0312

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Winifred M Minns grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.