Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 198564Details of grave number 198564 at All Saints Aughton for Ann Wilkinson Whitaker

Ann Wilkinson Whitaker grave monument in All Saints burial ground, Aughton, Yorkshire, England

Ann Wilkinson Whitaker grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Ann Wilkinson Whitaker

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Ann Wilkinson Whitaker grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 198564)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Ann Wilkinson Whitaker was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Ann Wilkinson Whitaker below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Ann Wilkinson Whitaker grave.

image: AUG027
grave: 198544
Thomas Henry Vincent Cottam
image number AUG027
image: AUG028
grave: 198545
Alfred Darley
image number AUG028
image: AUG029
grave: 198546
Pamela Margaret Rose
image number AUG029
image: AUG030
grave: 198547
Thomas Smedley
image number AUG030
image: AUG031
grave: 198548
Mona Rose
image number AUG031
image: AUG032
grave: 198549
John William Gowthorpe
image number AUG032
image: AUG033
grave: 198550
Olive Ogle
image number AUG033
image: AUG034
grave: 198551
Mary Barker
image number AUG034
image: AUG035
grave: 198552
Edith Muriel Werner
image number AUG035
image: AUG036
grave: 198553
Peter Charles Fleming
image number AUG036
image: AUG037
grave: 198554
Frederica Paulina Katherina Dyson
image number AUG037
image: AUG038
grave: 198555
Ann Knapton
image number AUG038
image: AUG039
grave: 198556
Thomas Hatfield
image number AUG039
image: AUG040
grave: 198557
Thomas Vause
image number AUG040
image: AUG041
grave: 198558
Joseph Exelby
image number AUG041
image: AUG042
grave: 198559
John Vause
image number AUG042
image: AUG043
grave: 198560
William Vause
image number AUG043
image: AUG044
grave: 198561
Conan Aske
image number AUG044
image: AUG045
grave: 198562
Thomas Young
image number AUG045
image: AUG046
grave: 198563
Thomas Hudson
image number AUG046
image: AUG047
grave: 198564
Ann Wilkinson Whitaker
image number AUG047
image: AUG049
grave: 198565
George Giles
image number AUG049
image: AUG050
grave: 198566
Corrine Duffield
image number AUG050
image: AUG051
grave: 198567
Alfred Barrie Whittingham
image number AUG051
image: AUG052
grave: 198568
Rose Evelyn Johnson
image number AUG052
image: AUG053
grave: 198569
Richard Houseman
image number AUG053
image: AUG054
grave: 198570
George Holborne
image number AUG054
image: AUG055
grave: 198571
Katherine Smith
image number AUG055

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Ann Wilkinson Whitaker grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.